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    Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Essay

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    Conductor Investigation Experiment LabReport Introduction This experiment is about to test how will the nichrome wire effect the ampere of the electric current. All the possible factor that will effect to the volt of the current • The Length of the wire • The Diameter of the wire • Temperature • Magnetism Aim To determine the effect of the length of the wire on the ampere of the electric current. Hypothesis Nichrome is an alloy(a metal made by combining two or more metallic elements) that is made out of 80% nickel and 20% chromium.

    I know that it is a resistant material that will slow electric current down, therefor, it will produce heat and some light. I think that the more nichrome wire that we use the ampere will be lower, I think that is because the longer the wire is, the more electricity that the wire will slow down. Apparatus – Power Supply – Wires (Leads) – Alligator Clips – Ammeter – Nichrome Wire (20 Gauge)-(different length) (2 cm, 4 cm, 6 cm, 8 cm, 10 cm) Method 1. Set up the power supply. 2. Connect the ammeter and the nichrome wire. 3.

    Cut 5 different length of wire . 4. They all need to be 2,4,6,8,10 cm long. 5. Test the different length of the wires. 6. Record the results. I will measure the ampere that is shown on the ammeter Fair Testing Controlled variable :The same voltage from the power supply, same wires, alligator clips, ammeter. Independent variable : The length of the nichrome wire. Dependent variable: The ampere of the current. This is a fair test because there is only one thing that is different in the experiment, which is the length of the nichrome wire.

    Data Collection Length of nichrome wire Result of the experiment Amperes None Applied 4A 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm 3. 8A 3. 6A 3. 4A 3. 2A 3A Data Processing The length of the nichrome wire and the ampere chart 4 3 Amperes 2 1 0 None Applied 2 cm 4 cm 6 cm 8 cm 10 cm Length of nichrome wire The patten shows when the length of the nichrome wire increased the ampere of the circuit will decrease. Conclusion I learned that when when the nichrome wire is longer, that amperes will we lower, because more of the electricity has been slowed down.

    When there is no nichrome wire in the circuit, it measures 4A when it is connected to a 2 cm wire, the amperes decreased to 3. 6A, when it is connected to a 10 cm wire, the amperes is 3A. That shows the length of the wire does effect the ampere of the circuit. The data above supported my hypothesis. I think this test is reliable, because it is a fair test, to make it more reliable, I can do mere trials to proof my results, When the nichrome wire is used, it will shows down the current and produce heat and some light, therefor, the ampere will be lower.

    Evaluation The possible errors are the length of the wires are not measured correctly, because some of the nichrome wires are bended when we got it, it is vary hard to measure the length of the wire when it is bended. I can improve that by using new wires for the experiment. There are also not enough trials of this test, if there are more trials, the test will become more accrete. The further work can be also measuring the voltage and see if there are anything different.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Conductor Investigation Experiment Lab-Report Essay. (2018, Oct 20). Retrieved from

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