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    Conduct of internal audit Essay

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    • Companies should hold a system where the employees work as a squad. Employees should be provided with a safe working environment.
    • Different sections within the company should portion information in order to acquire more thoughts and information which is helpful in concern determination devising and for future growing and development.
    • There should be ample clip given when fixing or look intoing bank statements to forestall from any mistakes.
    • The company should closely supervise or duplicate look into all the checks that is issued or cancelled, every bit good as the company should closely analyze all the recognition or debit minutess being incurred by the company.
    • The company should keep proper accounting system in order to fix accurate accounting records. The company should hold good accounting system in order to give a right image of the company’s advancement and productiveness degree. This can merely be done when the company follows the accurate or appropriate policies and accounting criterions needed to explicate a dependable, complete and useable fiscal study.
    • The company should procure the auditing services from a dependable and competent or accounting house.
    • The company should protect the support from external hearers that could supply with complete and honest scrutinizing services in order to modulate scrutinizing criterion.



    • Execution

    The company should develop or enforce an organisational construction which would hike up the company with honestness and self-respect. The environment should be safe free environment where the employees should experience safe and are encouraged to work every bit team work in order to increase in productiveness.

    • Methodologies should be implemented by the company in order to cut down the injudiciousness of the fiscal paperss. The execution should be set off by the company CEO, the direction and should be participated by all employees within the accounting sections. It should be closely and good monitored and crossed checked by external hearer in order to guarantee intelligibility in the budget operation. The company should keep proper accounting system in order to fix accurate accounting records. The company should hold good accounting system in order to give a right image of the company’s advancement and productiveness degree. This can merely be done when the company follows the accurate or appropriate policies and accounting criterions needed to explicate a dependable, complete and useable fiscal study.


    1. There has been an over-valued stocks which has been accounted for 5 old ages deserving $ US 25 million
    1. There were no commissariats made in the debitors account deserving US $ 9 million for non-performing histories.
    1. The current operating escape valued US $ 7 million has been recorded as postpaid outgo.
    1. The bank rapprochement statement had non been accurately done for the past 3 old ages, but it was accepted by the external hearers with the figure value of US $ 30 million.
    1. There had been 10 unpresented checks valued US $ 3 million. These checks have been returned by the Bankss as the clients did non hold sufficient financess.
    1. The short-run debts should hold been shown in the statement as US $ 65 million and non US $ 55 million.
    1. Harmonizing to the record there had been a error in the revelation of the overdraft installation. The figure has shown as US $ 85 million and non US $ 75 million.
    1. Harmonizing to the gross revenues and selling director, had entered in the fiscal contract for one of the natural stuff providers in order to provide equipment to the value of US $ 15 million to increase the production degree of twisties, but this contract doesn’t reflect in the statement of histories.
    1. Since there had been merely a commercial contract the external hearer stated that there is no point to demo in the records.
    1. The reappraisal of the quarterly study issued by the Risk Manager.
    1. The mandate concluded by the director is false/misleading. For illustration, “I foresee that the company is runing in a really sound and successful mode.
    1. There was misdirecting information given about company’s productiveness and growing.
    1. The Finance director besides gave incorrect information about the company’s advancement every bit good.


    • There should be an appropriate designation made in the dealing for the current/prepaid outgos
    • All fiscal paperss should be updated on a regular basis whether it of little or large sum.
    • Correct/accurate information should be entered in each dealing.
    • The current or postpaid outgos of the company should be decently classified in each dealing incurred.
    • All minutess incurred whether it is a large or little sum should be decently and accurately recorded.
    • Correct information should be delivered by the individual incharged, whether he or she may be the finance manager/risk manager/sales director for the board to cognize of the true standing of the company.
    • There should be regular alteration of individual in charge in each section peculiarly in the budgeting section in order to forestall any bad lucks with the company.




    AS AT 30 DECEMBER 2011


    fixed assets

    ( 45 – 15 )


    Investing assets

    Investing in subsidory



    Current Asset

    stock ( 125 – 25 )


    Debtors ( 90 – 9 )


    Prepaid disbursals ( 40 – 7 )


    Bank Deposit


    hard currency at bank ( 30 – 30 )


    junior-grade hard currency



    Less Current Liabilitiess

    Creditors ( histories Payable )


    accrued disbursals


    short-run debt ( 55 + 10 )


    Draft ( 75 + 10 )



    Net Current Asset/liability


    Entire Assetss


    Financed by:

    Long-run debt ( 80 + 15 )




    accumulated loss

    { 75 }


    Entire liabilities and equity



    Harmonizing to the balance sheet the company did non follow the correct processs and policies of the accounting system and criterions. All fiscal paperss should be updated on a regular basis whether it is of little or large sum. Accounting and auditing criterions were wrongly followed. The company did non follow the appropriate accounting system.

    Harmonizing to the act of direction, the company did non execute the accounting rules such as NZ GAAP. In order to hold proper fiscal studies the company should purely follow the accounting rules and processs.



    • The company made a important growing in footings organic growing because they had assurance in the three executives.
    • Good selling watercourse and gross revenues schemes used by the company, ensuing in smooth running of concern flow.
    • Production betterment leads to increase in productiveness.


    • Untrustworthy directors. The directors did non execute with self-respect and honestness. The company should follow standard policies and accounting needed to explicate a dependable, and proper fiscal studies.
    • Lack of intelligibility due to hapless information system. Information sing the company was non delivered clearly.
    • Incompetent internal and external hearers. The external hearers would come to the company for a really short clip merely, to execute the scrutinizing procedure. They will non able to execute an efficient scrutinizing due to clip continuance, and the Pifco-Zen Chen Company Limited would confront a hazard for corporate prostration, when the three directors had left.
    • Accounting and auditing criterions were wrongly followed. The company did non follow the appropriate accounting system.


    • The company should replace/change directors, who can execute their responsibilities with honestness.
    • The company should enforce proper accounting system in order to acquire clear and right information.
    • The company should develop or enforce an organisational construction which would hike up the company with honestness and self-respect. The environment should be safe free environment where the employees should experience safe and are encouraged to work every bit team work in order to increase in productiveness.
    • The company should hold good accounting system in order to give a right image of the company’s advancement and productiveness degree. This can merely be done when the company follows the accurate or appropriate policies and accounting criterions needed to explicate a dependable, complete and useable fiscal studies. Team work should besides be encouraged to assist increase in productiveness. All processs should be carried out with honestness.
    • The company should procure the auditing services from a dependable and competent or accounting house.

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