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    Computing Power Unleashed Essay

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    This article mainly deals with the microprocessor chip, which is the computer’s brain. Thiscomputer chip is responsible for the majority of the computers functions, it’s commonly referredto as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). It receives and executes your instructions anddetermines if your computer understands software written for a Personal Computer (PC) or aMacintosh (MAC). The CPU chip size is small, about half the size of a business card, and just assmall as your thumbnail. Intel is the leading manufacturer of microprocessor for IBM PC’s, alsoother companies manufacture them also. However Apple, IBM, and Motorola have combined tocreate a power chip designed to be used in IBM PC’s and Macintosh computers.

    However Intelmicroprocessors are as follows 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, and the Pentium. The prefix 80is commonly dropped. Then we look at the CPU package dealing with the electronic circuits. Thischip is made of silicon, containing numerous tiny transistors with tiny wire protruding from it. Thechip is encase in black plastic and sits on the motherboard which contains all of the computerscircuitry. Microprocessors have all different kinds of internal processor speed, commonly knownas clock speed.

    This represents the number of clock cycles a chip can produce per second andhow quickly the CPU can execute commands. The speed is measured in megahertz (MHz) forexample 25MHz equals to 25 million clock cycles per second. The CPU also contains the databus(a wire) across of it that moves the information. . Which is measured in bits (smallest piece ofinformation). These chips are compared by the Intel Comparative Microprocessor Performance(ICOMP).

    They compare a number of industry standards to determine the power of differentCPU’s. Nevertheless a breakthrough in the 486 series chips surfaced, Intel offered the 486DX in1989 better than 386, amore faster CPU with clock speeds up to 33MHz, including 1. 2 milliontransistors compared to the 386’s, and also offered a math coprocessor. The drawbacks was it wasto expensive for the common person. .

    In 1991 Intel came up with the 486SX with no mathcoprocessor and speeds up to 25Mhz which made more affordable. Nonetheless, in 1992 Anotherbreakthrough by Intel by introducing the 486DX2 with clock speeds up to 66MHz with slightly ahigher price which made the perfect upgrade tool for people who could not afford it. Next thefifth generation was introduced by Intel again with high priced CPU, the Pentium processor, themost powerful one yet. Introduced in 1993 and operating between 66MHz to 100MHz.

    With theIntel’s 3 new plants, prices went down for these chips. However id not stop there, Intel introduceanother CPU processor, the 486DX4 with clock speeds of 75MHz to 100MHz with lesser costthan pentiums. Nevertheless, determining the CPU that rights for you must be a decision betweenthe type of power you want and can afford.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Computing Power Unleashed Essay. (2019, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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