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    Communist Manifesto Essay (231 words)

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    Subject: Jolee and ScarletFrom: “Jolee Romano” <emailprotected>To: emailprotected, emailprotected, emailprotected, emailprotected, emailprotected, emailprotected, emailprotectedDate: Sun, April 21, 2002 9:54 amJoseph RomanoHow do residents benefit from having a sense of community developed on their floor and in their hall? What will you do to foster that sense of community?I am very grateful to have the neighbors that I have. I have been through a lot of adjusting and they have been very helpful! I know that if I needed a cup of sugar they would be the first to give it to me, just like at home! I ask for advice, they give it to me. I need a laugh, there there! And it’s just not the people to the left and right of me either.

    Almost the whole floor! We work together, like a community, to make sure that everyone is in line. We all have responsibilities that we follow. We respect eachothers privacy and are there when someone needs a helping hand! I know if I am a Resident Assistant I will be available to do all these things. Because things work better that way. Hi Guys!These are two more pictures of my roomate Scarlet and I enjoying our first bus ride in Malta.

    Okay, I promiss this is it with the pics’!!! Miss you! Jolee_________________________________________________________________Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device:

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Communist Manifesto Essay (231 words). (2019, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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