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    Childhood and Parenthood in the Novel Essay

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    The monster feels that Frankenstein has no right to hate him due the “parental” bond that lies between them, he argues that Frankenstein holds a duty to provide and care for his “child”, no matter how ugly and terrible that child might be. “Yet you my creator detest and spurn me thy creature to whom thou art bound by ties only dissoluble by the annihilation of one of us. ” Shelley uses this expression to not only address the issue of parental and unconditional love, but also that of the possibilities of man trying to take from women the power of creation and birth.

    Here Shelley points out that women have the natural capability to love their children, and she uses this as an example that man cannot do as women do when he attempts to steal women’s power. The creature attempts to excuse his actions with these words: “If the multitude of mankind knew of my existence, they would do as you and arm themselves for my destruction. Shall I not hate those who abhor me? ” The monster blames the way he has been treated for his evil actions and exclaims that there is no reason for him to treat mankind with compassion and respect if he receives none himself.

    The primary reason of the monster seeking out his creator is that he believes Frankenstein could ease his unhappiness by giving him a woman. “Everywhere I see bliss from which I alone am irrevocably excluded. I was benevolent and good. Misery made me a fiend. Make me happy again and I shall be virtuous. ” The creature expresses that he feels the world is against him; creating another excuse for his actions. He also believes that his ways would change if granted with a companion.

    Here the monster is mimicking his “father’s” own mistakes. He is asking for a woman for his own needs and does not comprehend the happiness of the “child”. Shelley suggests that children naturally look up to their parents. Frankenstein followed his father (a scientist) and now the creature follows Frankenstein when wishes to create for his own needs. This is another point by Shelley, that a strong parental figure is important when bringing up children.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Childhood and Parenthood in the Novel Essay. (2017, Nov 15). Retrieved from

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