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    Car accident Essay (391 words)

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    Traumatic events come in many different ways at many different times of ones life. Mine came on the school bus while I was on my way home from school. The bus had stopped to let a couple kids off and I stood up to throw some trash away. I stood up we were rear ended by a young lady who had been trying to get a bee out of the car and not realized the bus had stopped. I was standing up and the impact caused me to bang into the seat in front of me and the one behind me.

    I didn’t realize what had happened until moments later when someone said something. As I began to sit down I felt a sharp pain shoot through my body and my heart started to beat rapidly. The accident made me realize that nothing is for certain and you shouldn’t take anything for granted. I had always viewed riding a school bus has something that wouldn’t put me in danger, after all the drivers are trained professionals, right? What I never considered was the actions of others and how complete strangers can change your life in a bigger and more significant way than some of the people closes to you. I had never really considered dying at a young age because my grandparents lived to be old.

    After that bus ride home my outlook on life was severely changed and I started to appreciate my parents more an tell them I loved them a lot more often because wasn’t sure if we’d both be around to say it the next time. The Car accident Essay will always be a major moment in my life because of what it showed me. That accident gave me visual proof that God has a plan for everyone and everything has a reason or hidden message. Just when I was coming to a point in my life where I was beginning to see where I fit in at school, it reminded me to cherish every moment has though it was my last, because I don’t know when it’ll be over. I know its kind of a sad way to view life but I really don’t see it that way. I see it has more of a reason to cherish every moment and live life with no regrets .

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Car accident Essay (391 words). (2019, Feb 23). Retrieved from

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