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    Can Money Buy Happiness Essay (862 words)

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    Have you ever wondered what real definition of happiness is? What are the aspects which result in happiness or joy in your life? These are some major points that can help us in determining the actual meaning of happiness as most of the people think that only money could buy happiness.

    Considering the fact that we all spend money for the well-being and to make our relationships stronger with our family, friends and close acquaintances, there are several other major statistics that need to be focused on understanding the real meaning of happiness.

    What happiness is all about?

    Although joy and happiness have no boundaries or specific definition or introductions, everyone has a unique perspective related to their own experiences, thoughts and habits. On the other hand, some people prefer to buy expensive gifts, luxury vehicles and high-class apartments to express gratitude and love. As noble people have always received more pride, amusement and contentment, they have a unique example of happiness in their lives. Hopelessly, the poorer or the ones spending their lives in a limited budget generally express their feelings through love and compassion.

    Money can give you the opportunity to have memorable experiences such as traveling or purchasing costly items, but it can never be directly linked to happiness. People who are undergoing serious health concerns or crucial financial situations better know what suffering is and must be given strong moral support which can help them in getting out of tough times.

    Help others and be charitable

    In order to bring happiness to the people who are suffering and unable to enjoy the basic necessities of life, we must focus on educator donations, charities and fund-raising programs. As there are several negative health and lifestyle outcomes associated with poverty, people having lower incomes are more likely to be having stronger bonds to help each other. Being a noble cause, we must spread happiness and help others in the form of money, gifts or the required support.

    According to the latest research, people who spend their money on poor or needy families better understand what suffering is and how to tackle financial crisis as compared to those who are busy in making fortunes. Even if you are donating a small amount of money, you can still make a huge difference in someone’s lifestyle and improve their living standards as well. There has always been a strong introduction for emotions and finances in differing essays as too much stress regarding the financial situation can harm our health as well.

    Is money compulsory for happiness?

    When searching for the best ways to spend a happy life, we have found different answers including travelling, food, education and purchasing for your favorite items. As all of these perks or chimerical can only be enjoyed if you have a strong financial situation, a higher income can always help you in enjoying your life at the fullest. Although money could buy us better nutrition, healthcare, leisure time and safer neighborhoods, staying modest is yet another great approach to live a joyful life.

    Statistics have shown that educator who values experiences are more satisfied in the future as compared to those who prefer material items. In this study survey and thesis, people say that material items have more value whereas the life experiences would only make them bring happiness before buying a product whereas they agree to the fact afterwards that life experiences can certainly make them happier and allow them to help people who are suffering.

    Experiences matter

    Apart from all of the argumentative ways to make your life better, one of the most important causes of happiness also includes experiences. There are several proven examples to increase savings and decrease expenditures in order to spend a happy lifestyle. Furthermore, if you focus on experiences instead of purchasing worldly items such as cars, expensive watches or smartphones, you can take over the dread and make your life more fascinating then before.

    Value of money and relationships has always been a major topic of discussion in academic assignments, projects and thesis. Hopefully, reading the argumentative essay work of students that is published over different websites online can help us in determining the real meaning of what happiness is and how can it make the chimerical change required change into our lives.

    What is important? Money or Happiness?

    Sometimes, the causes and effects of dread scenarios completely change our lives for which we have to compromise on our living standards as well. Although everyone needs money to cope with their basic needs, there is no harm in working hard and earning a sufficient amount to improve your living standards. The real meaning of happiness is not only limited to precious things and money, but you must also help others in your surroundings to make their life better and peaceful.


    After discussing both of the major and minor causes of happiness, our conclusion for this article will surely help you in understanding the real meaning of happiness. By taking care of your loved ones, family members and friends, you can spread joy and happiness which can greatly help you in making all of your relationships stronger.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Can Money Buy Happiness Essay (862 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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