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    Biscuit and Britannia Sample Essay

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    The narrative of one of India’s favourite brands reads about like a fairy narrative. Once upon a clip. in 1892 to be precise. a biscuit company was started in a characterless house in Calcutta ( now Kolkata ) with an initial investing of Rs.

    295. The company we all know as Britannia today. The beginnings might hold been humble-the dreams were anything but. By 1910. with the coming of electricity.

    Britannia mechanized its operations. and in 1921. it became the first company E of the Suez Canal to utilize imported gas ovens. Britannia’s concern was booming. But.

    more significantly. Britannia was geting a repute for quality and value. As a consequence. during the tragic World War II.

    the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by undertaking it to provide big measures of “service biscuits” to the armed forcesAs clip moved on. the biscuit market continued to grow… and Britannia grew along with it. In 1975. the Britannia Biscuit Company took over the distribution of biscuits from Parry’s who till now distributed Britannia biscuits in India. In the subsequent public issue of 1978.

    Indian shareholding crossed 60 % . steadfastly set uping the Indians of the house. The undermentioned twelvemonth. Britannia Biscuit Company was re-christened Britannia Industries Limited ( BIL ) . Four old ages subsequently in 1983.

    it crossed the Rs. 100 crores gross grade. On the operations forepart. the company was doing every bit dynamic paces. In 1992.

    it celebrated its Platinum Jubilee. In 1997. the company unveiled its new corporate individuality – “Eat Healthy. Think Better” – and made its first raid into the dairy merchandises market.

    In 1999. the “Britannia Khao. World Cup Jao” publicity farther fortified the affinity consumers had with ‘Brand Britannia’ . Britannia strode into the twenty-first Century as one of India’s biggest trade names and the pre-eminent nutrient trade name of the state. It was every bit recognized for its advanced attack to merchandises and selling: the Lagan Match was voted India’s most successful promotional activity of the twelvemonth 2001 while the delightful Britannia 50-50 Maska-Chaska became India’s most successful merchandise launch.

    In 2002. Britannia’s New Business Division formed a joint venture with Fonterra. the world’s 2nd largest Dairy Company. and Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd.

    was born. In acknowledgment of its vision and speed uping graph. Forbes Global rated Britannia ‘One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World’ . and The Economic Times pegged Britannia India’s 2nd Most Trusted Brand.

    Today. more than a century after those probationary first stairss. Britannia’s fairy narrative is non merely traveling strong but blazing new criterions. and that miniscule initial investing has grown by springs and bounds to crores of rupees in wealth for Britannia’s stockholders. The company’s offerings are spread across the spectrum with merchandises runing from the healthy and economical Tiger biscuits to the more lifestyle-oriented Milkman Cheese. Having succeeded in earning the trust of about tierce of India’s one billion population and a strong direction at the helm means Britannia will go on to woolgather large on its way of invention and quality.

    And 1000000s of consumers will favor the consequences. merrily of all time after. METHODLOGY:OBJECTIVES & A ; LIMITATIONS:Company Profile:The cardinal differentiation between a Mutual and other types of insurance company is that a Mutual is non seeking to do a net income. has no stockholders and exists strictly for the benefit of its Members. The financess of the Mutual are invested and the investing return is used to profit the Members.

    The Members are both the insurance company and the insured. Common insurance is corporate self-insurance which operates at cost. A Committee. consisting up to 30 Directors – 28 elected from the rank – determines affairs of policy on the advice of the Managers. Tindall Riley ( Britannia ) Limited to whom the daily direction of Britannia is delegated. The Chairman and Chief Executive of the Directors are members of the Committee.

    Britannia has grown well in the last 50 old ages. In 1960 the gross tunnage entered in the Association was 3 million. By 1970 it had reached 10 million and by 1980 had quadrupled to 40 million. Britannia now insures about 138 million dozenss of owned and chartered tunnage and is one of the largest P & A ; I Clubs. accounting for over 10 % of the universe merchandiser fleet. with many of the world’s best-known shipowners as Members


    Ltd. is born * Rated as ‘One amongst the Top 200 Small Companies of the World’ by Forbes Global * Economic Times ranks BIL India’s 2nd Most Trusted Brand * Pure Magic -Winner of the Worldstar. Asiastar and Indiastar award for packaging. | 2003| * ‘Treat Duet’- most successful launch of the twelvemonth * Britannia Khao World Cup Jao rocks the consumer lives yet once more. | 2004| * Britannia accorded the position of being a ‘Superbrand’ * Volumes cross 3. 00.

    000 dozenss of biscuits. * Good Day adds a new discrepancy – Choconut – in its scope. | 2005| * Re-birth of Tiger – ‘Swasth Khao. Tiger Ban Jao’ becomes the popular chant! * Britannia launched ‘Greetings’ scope of premium assorted gift battalions. * The new works in Uttaranchal.

    commissioned in front of agenda. * The launch of yet another exciting snacking option – Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar. | 2006| * Britannia re-launched NutriChoice Hi-Fibre Digestive biscuits in an international big sized biscuit battalion. * Britannia acquires 51 % interest in Bangalore-based bakeshop nutrients retailer Daily Bread. | 2007|* Britannia industries formed a joint venture with the Khimji Ramdas Group and acquired a 70 per centum good interest in the Dubai-based Strategic Foods International Co.

    LLC and 65. 4 % in the Oman-based Al Sallan Food Industries Co. SAOG. * Britannia NutriChoice SugarOut scope introduced – 1st of its sort of biscuits to be be launched in India with “No Added Sugar” ( Variants – Chocolate Cream. Orange Cream.

    and Lifetime ) | 2008| * Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits launched – Biscuits with the goodness of 5 wellness Cereals. and sweetened with Natural honey. Britannia Nutrichoice promised consumers “Bhook Bhagao. Kuch Healthy Khao” .

    * Britannia launched Iron fortified ‘Tiger Banana’ biscuits. ‘Good Day Classic Cookies’ . Low Fat Dahi and renovated ‘MarieGold’ . | 2009| * Britannia Launches ActiMind – A foremost of its sort milk based wellness drink for childs.

    which helps better mental acuteness. Launch of ActiMind marked Britannia’s entry into the drink section and has farther extended its creed of ‘Eat Healthy. Think Better’ to ‘Drink Healthy. Think Better’ as good! ! * * Britannia NutriChoice Nature Spice Crackers launched – Your favourite Cream Crackers.

    now made even more exciting with the add-on of “Sabut” Ajwain and Jeera spices. * * Britannia takes full control of Daily Bread. * * Britannia Industries buys out New Zealand’s Fonterra from bing dairy joint venture. Britannia New Zealand Foods ( BNZF ) .

    BNZF became a 100 per cent Britannia subordinate and was renamed Britannia Dairy Private Limited ( BDPL ) . * * Acknowledging the altering planetary tendencies & A ; wellness benefits of taking transfats. Britannia is the first Bakery trade name in India to take transfats from its merchandises. * * Wadia Group acquired interest retentions from Group Danone and becomes the individual largest stockholder in BIL. | 2010| * 50-50 Maska Chaska was re-launched with a new masalaledar turn – a delicious blend of butter and imported spirits along with scattering of masala in September 2010.

    * Tiger enters the Cookies class. with the launch of Krunch Cookies in October. These cookies are non merely high on delectation but besides high on energy and have been created maintaining in head the demands of today’s childs. These delicious cookies come in two exciting discrepancies – Fruit & A ; Nut and Chocochips and at an low-cost monetary value point of merely Rs 5. * * Brand NutriChoice. in maintaining with its path record of establishing differentiated healthy bites.

    launched Diabetic Friendly Essentials on 14th November. a twenty-four hours that is universe over recognized as World Diabetes Day. The scope comprised of 2 discrepancies – Oats Cookies and Ragi Cookies – and is available in top Indian metropoliss. * * Britannia was presented the Master Brand 2010 Award by CMO Council in November 2010.

    * Rotary Club of Chennai awarded CSR Award to Britannia in November. for our work in nutrition. | 2011| * Always committed to changeless invention. Britannia launched Britannia Healthy Start in Mumbai in January 2011. Specially designed with Indian gustatory sensations in head.

    Healthy Start is a complete scope of ready-to-cook breakfast mixes of Upmas. Pohas. Porridges and Oats that are healthy. delightful. and take merely 5 proceedingss to cook!This is the lone merchandise scope in its class that combines the natural nutrition of multi-grains.

    100 % existent veggies. pulsations and nuts all in one battalion. * Britannia received the Most Respected Company Award 2011 from Businessworld. * Bourbon received the Most Popular Confectionery Product Preferred By Youth ( Biscuit ) Award.

    * IMCRBNQA ( Indian Merchant Chambers Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award ) conferred the Manufacturing Performance Excellence Trophy a National Quality Award for the 2010 rhythm. for Britannia Corporate Office ( Bangalore ) . Britannia Industries Ltd. ( Rudrapur ) and Sunandram Foods Pvt Ltd ( Mangaldoi.

    Guwahati ) . * Britannia farther enhanced its raid into healthy milk based drinks by establishing TigerZor Choco Milk & A ; TigerZor Badam Milk in May 2011. These are delightful milk based drinks fortified with 5 active foods that help in the overall development of head and organic structure. Britannia Bread launched its new scope of Health Breads in Delhi in November. The scope consists of Honey & A ; Oats Bread. Multi-Grain Bread.

    100 % Whole Wheat Bread and Multi-Fiber Bread. Delhi mill was adjudged as the victor for Outstanding Performance in Food Safety Excellence in the class of ‘Large Food Businesses- Manufacturing’ . by CII. JBM was besides recognized with Commendation Certificate for Strong Commitment to Excel in the Category of ‘Medium Food Businesses- Manufacturing’ for the twelvemonth 2011. The awards were given at the CII National Quality Summit held at Bangalore on 1st December 2011. BRITANNIA was honoured with `CREATIVE HR PRACTICES AWARD’ by Employer Branding Institute.

    India. on the juncture of 6th Employer Branding Awards ceremonial held on the 10th of December 2011 at Hotel Taj Deccan. Hyderabad. * 2012 * * * IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Award 2011 was awarded to Britannia Industries Limited. Bangalore. Bidadi.

    Delhi. Gwalior & A ; Khopoli in the Manufacturing Category. at the Fifteenth IMC Ramakrishna Bajaj National Quality Awards and IMC Juran Quality Medal ceremonial held in Mumbai on 6th April 2012. * * Britannia Industries Limited Khurda was commissioned on 17th April 2012. * * The Modern Trade squad of Britannia was honoured with Winner-BEST BAKERY SUPPLIER award for the twelvemonth 2011-12.

    at the 1st SPENCER’S Best Supplier Awards 2012 on 22nd June. * * Britannia was awarded the Global Performance Excellence Award ( GPEA ) by Asia Pacific Quality Organization ( APQO ) at the 18th APQO/International Conference on Quality in Colombo. Sri Lanka on October 14. Britannia won this “Best In Class” award.

    an international acknowledgment for its fabrication units and the overall procedures of public presentation excellence adopted by the company. Britannia is the lone Indian nutrient and fabrication company to have this award. VINITA BALI:Vinita Bali was appointed Managing Director on 31st May 2006. Vinita joined as Chief Executive Officer of the Company in January 2005. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from LSR at the University of Delhi and her MBA at the Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of Management Studies at Bombay University.

    She pursued postgraduate surveies in Business and Economics at Michigan State University on a scholarship from The Rotary Foundation. and was selected to work as a Graduate Intern at the United Nations central offices in New York.
    She started her calling with Voltas Ltd. -a Tata Group company concentrating on consumer merchandises.

    where she launched Rasna soft-drink dressed ore. In 1980. Vinita joined Cadbury India. where she had a successful calling in functions of increasing duty. non merely in India. but besides in the UK.

    Nigeria and South Africa. Vinita besides served on the Boards of Cadbury Nigeria and Cadbury South Africa. The Coca-Cola Company chose her as its worldwide Marketing Director in 1994 where she was responsible for the worldwide scheme for Coke. and was one of the key participants in duplicating its historical growing rate. In 1997 she took over as Vice President of Marketing for Latin America.

    and in 1999 relocated to Chile as President of the Andean Division with gross revenues in surplus of USD 1 Billion. In 2001. she was made a corporate officer of The Coca-Cola Company and appointed Vice President of Corporate Strategy describing to the Chairman. After an eventful nine-year association with Coke.

    Vinita joined her wise man at Coke. Sergio Zyman at the Zyman Group in July 2003 as a Pull offing Principal and Head of the Business Strategy pattern in the company’s Atlanta office. As a member of the company’s Board of Managers. Vinita shared duty for developing and pull offing Zyman Group’s confer withing concern. NEERAJ CHANDRANeeraj Chandra.

    has been designated as Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. with consequence from 1st October 2008. He will hold the Research & A ; Development Function describing to him. in add-on to Gross saless & A ; Marketing.

    Neeraj Chandra joined Britannia in July 2005 as Vice President – Marketing. Gross saless and Innovation. responsible for orchestrating the gross side of the concern. He graduated as an Electrical Engineer from IIT Kanpur followed by an MBA from IIM Ahmedabad. he foremost joined Hindustan Lever and handled diverse assignments in Gross saless and Marketing.

    in a calling crossing two decennaries and come oning quickly from Management Trainee to Vice President. Neeraj has rich and varied experience in Gross saless and Marketing from India and around the universe. In Hindustan Lever he worked on edifice several power trade names like Pond’s. Fair and Lovely. Lux. Lifebuoy and Clinic.

    His regional assignments have provided valuable exposure to the Middle East and the competitory markets of China and the Far East. RAJU THOMASRaju Thomas has taken over as the Chief Financial Officer. with consequence from 3rd November 2008. Raju besides looks after the Purchase map.

    Raju comes with extended experience in Hindustan Unilever. During his 27 old ages with the Company he handled several fiscal and commercial functions in the Home and Personal Care. Foods and Animal Feeds concerns. In add-on he handled several corporate functions like statutory and direction accounting.

    mill and subdivision accounting and internal audit. He has had cross functional exposure in H. R. .

    specifically in the wage country. He has besides worked in the Unilever Head Office in UK for 3 old ages. His last assignment was as V. P. Finance in Hindustan Unilever.

    VINAY SINGH KUSHWAHAVinay Singh Kushwaha joined Britannia in August. 2010 and was appointed Vice President – Supply Chain effectual 1st August.
    In his current function. Vinay is responsible for fabrication. undertakings and engineering.

    planning & A ; refilling. Since 1st Feb. 2011 he has assumed the extra duty of Quality Assurance. He completed a B. Tech grade in mechanical technology from IIT Delhi and joined Hindustan Lever in 1986 as a direction trainee.

    In his calling of 22 old ages with Hindustan Lever. he did a assortment of proficient and supply concatenation functions and in different concerns and rose quickly to the place of a Vice President. . He worked in the North African concern of Unilever as a Supply Chain Director for 3 old ages and as a Regional Vice president for Skin attention class for Asia.

    He was portion of the Unilever’s Singapore based Supply Chain Leadership squad for Asia. Vinay joins us from Dabur India where he was Executive Director-Operations responsible for India and planetary operations of the Company. SREEKANTH A:Sreekanth K. Arimanithaya joined us on 1st February 2011 as Vice President & A ; Chief of Human Resources.

    He is besides in charge of Information Technology. Sreekanth is a passionate HR professional. with a diverseness of experience across industries. geographicss and functions.

    holding worked with TVS Motors. Phillips. General Electric and Toyota. He joined us from CA Technologies ( once Computer Associates ) where he last served as Senior Vice-President – Global HR Operations & A ; HR Business Partner based in the USA. Sreekanth is qualified in TQM and Six Sigma and is passionate about the comprehensive function that HR can and must play in presenting concern consequences.
    VINOD MENON:Vinod Menon has been appointed as Vice President-Office of Strategy Deployment & A ; New Business Development with consequence from 18th April 2012.

    Vinod started his calling with Hotel Leela Venture in the Treasury map. before fall ining their hearers Picardo and Associates as a Partner. He joined Britannia in 1993 and over the last 19 old ages has handled several functions in Finance. Commercial and Accounts.

    both inthe Corporate Office and part. He was besides the Process Owner of the Finance map in Company-wide SAP execution undertaking and has led work in both Internal Audit. and in Mergers and Acquisitions. In his last stretch as Head-Dairy Business. Vinod has helped make a solid foundation and a sound platform for profitable growing of the Business Britannia Industries Limited is an India-based company.

    The Company operates in two concern sections: bakeshop merchandises. including biscuits. staff of life. bars and zwieback. and dairy merchandises. including milk.

    butter. cheese. ghee. dahi. milk-based ready to imbibe drinks and dairy bleaching agent. The Company’s subordinate.

    Daily Bread Gourmet Foods ( India ) Private Limited. is a maker of premium epicure bakeshop merchandises. including forte staff of lifes. bars. pastries and cookies. which it sells through its ain retail shops straight to consumers.

    The company makes and sells a choice scope of Britannia merchandises at its installations in Sohar. Sultanate of Oman. chiefly for Middle Eastern markets. Its subordinates include Manna Foods Private Limited. J B Mangharam Foods Private Limited. Sunrise Biscuit Company Private Limited.

    Sunrise Biscuit Company Private Limited. Britannia and Associates ( Mauritius ) Private Limited and Klassik Foods Private Limited. SWOT Analysis:Strength: * Fullgill one of our Basic Requirement among air. H2O.

    nutrient. shelter. * Widely accepted in all coevalss. * Easily available in assorted signifiers. * Provide good blink of an eye RemedyFor hungriness in the signifier of readymade nutrient.

    * Preserves the non seasonal nutrient and makes it available all throughout the twelvemonth. * Strong trade name and merchandise portfolio. * High quality criterions. | WEAKNESS: * Decreases nutritionary value. * Increases the cost of nutrient merchandise. * Industry and engineering requires high investing.

    . * Regular use of processed nutrient can do change in nutrient. * Significant debt. * Geographic concentration. | Opportunity: * Increase economic system of India.

    * Generate employment chance. * Good quality of goods. * Improve populating criterion. * Provide competition to foreign companies.

    * Provide goods to state at cheaper rate. * Small battalion concern India. * New merchandises launches. | Menace: * Many companies are result oriented * Increase in pollution. * Sometimes provide hapless quality of merchandise for more net income. * Lack of engineering.

    * Unable to use all the resources expeditiously. * Raising natural stuff monetary values. * Intense competition|
    INDUSTRIAL PROFILE:Britannia Industries Limited ( BIL ) is a major participant in the Indian Foods market with leading place in Bakery class. Its trade name portfolio includes Tiger.

    Marie Gold. Good Day. 50:50 and Treat. The Company was born in 21st March of the twelvemonth 1918 as a populace limited company. The Company’s workss are situated in Kolkata. Delhi.

    Chennai. Mumbai and Uttarakhand. In 1921. it became the first company E of the Suez Canal to utilize imported gas ovens.

    Britannia’s concern was booming. But. more significantly. Britannia was geting a repute for quality and value. As a consequence. during the tragic World War II.

    the Government reposed its trust in Britannia by undertaking it to provide big measures of ‘service biscuits’ to the armed forces. A new mill was established in the twelvemonth 1924 at Kasara Pier Road in Mumbai. In the same twelvemonth. the Company became a subordinate of Peek. Frean & A ; Company Limited. U.

    K. . a taking biscuit fabrication company. and farther strengthened its place by spread outing the mills at Calcutta and Mumbai.

    In 1952. the Kolkata mill was shifted from Dum Dum to spacious evidences at Taratola Road in the suburbs of Kolkata.
    During the same twelvemonth automatic workss were installed in Calcutta and subsequently in 1954 the automatic workss were installed in Mumbai works. besides in the same twelvemonth the development of high quality sliced and wrapped staff of life in India was initiated by the company and was foremost manufactured at Delhi and a new staff of life bakeshop was set up at Delhi in the twelvemonth 1965.

    Britannia Biscuit Company takes over biscuit distribution from Parry’s during the twelvemonth 1975. In 1976. the company had introduced Britannia staff of life in Calcutta and Chennai. During the twelvemonth 1978. the company made Public issue. in that Indian shareholding crossed 60 % .

    The Company re-christened from Britannia Biscuit Company Limited to Britannia Industries Limited with consequence from 3rd October of the twelvemonth 1979. The Company had signed a 10-year proficient coaction understanding with Nebico Pvt Ltd. . Nepal during the twelvemonth 1980 for the supply of know-how associating to fabrication. packaging and selling of biscuits and choice of works and machinery. During the twelvemonth 1989.

    BIL’s Executive Office was relocated to Bangalore. During the twelvemonth 1990. two new trade names of biscuits. Elaichi Creamand and Petit Beurre were launched. Besides. in the same twelvemonth a new Anacardium occidentale badam discrepancy of the trade name Milk Bikis and trade name extension of pure charming biscuit Vanilla pick were launched.

    Fruit staff of life was launched in Delhi. The Company launched two new forte trade names in the twelvemonth 1991 viz. . Britannia milk staff of life and Britannia brown staff of life in Delhi and extended nationally its chief trade names Petit Beurre and Elaichi Cream. In 17th August of the twelvemonth 1991.

    the Company handed over its Soya unit at Vidisha. MP to SM Dychem Ltd. BIL had celebrated its Platinum Jubilee in the twelvemonth 1992. After a twelvemonth in 1993. Wadia Group had acquired the interest in ABIL. UK and becomes an equal spouse with Group Danone in BIL.

    The Company was in re birth stage during the twelvemonth 1997. new corporate individuality ‘Eat Healthy. Think Better’ leads to new mission of ‘Make every 3rd Indian a Britannia consumer’ and in the same twelvemonth BIL entered into the dairy merchandises market. In 1998. BIL had launched Half/Half.

    a soft bar filled with pick in two discrepancies. chocolate-vanilla and vanilla-orange. The Company had rolled out its flavored milk trade name Zip-Sip’ in tetrapaks in the twelvemonth 1999. Zip-Sip had been launched in Mumbai and some markets in the South. Forbes Global Ranking was rated the company during the twelvemonth 2000.

    Britannia among Top 300 little companies. In the same twelvemonth. the company had launched Britannia Milkman Butter. a merchandise under the Milkman trade name. BIL made its fund in-principle understanding to get 49 per cent of Kwality Biscuits in the twelvemonth 2001 through internal accumulations. During the twelvemonth 2002.

    the company had entered into a joint venture with the Fonterra Cooperative Group. New Zealand’s biggest company and one of the taking diary co-operative groups in the universe and the Britannia New Zealand Foods Pvt. Ltd was born. Pure Magic. the company’s merchandise was victor of the Worldstar. Asiastar and Indiastar award for packaging in the same twelvemonth 2002.

    After a twelvemonth. in 2003. BIL had launched ‘Treat Duet’ . most successful of the twelvemonth and Britannia Khao World Cup Jao rocks the consumer lives yet once more. During the twelvemonth 2004.

    Britannia accorded the position of being a ‘Superbrand’ and the trade name Good Day added a new discrepancy Choconut in its scope. Reviewed selling confederation with the Kolkata-based Thacker Dairy Products Pvt Ltd. In the twelvemonth 2005. Britannia New Zealand had launched wellness drink for grownup. The new works in Uttaranchal.

    commissioned during the twelvemonth 2005. it was in front of agenda. In the same twelvemonth. launched yet another exciting snacking option the Britannia 50-50 Pepper Chakkar. BIL had forged a strategic confederation with CCD Daily Bread Pvt Ltd in the twelvemonth 2006. a Bangalore based Company engaged in fabrication and retailing of premium staff of lifes.

    bars bites and high terminal ready to eat nutrients. In the twelvemonth 2007. Britannia industries formed a joint venture with the Khimji Ramdas Group and acquired a 70 per centum good interest in the Dubai-based Strategic Foods International Co. LLC and 65. 4 % in the Oman-based Al Sallan Food Industries Co.

    SAOG. The company was rated as the No 1 Most Trusted Food Brand in a study conducted by AC Nielsen ORGO-MARG and published in Economic Times in the twelvemonth 2007. Britannia launched Iron fortified ‘Tiger Banana’ biscuits. ‘Good Day Classic Cookies’ . Low Fat Dahi and renovated ‘MarieGold’ during the period of 2008. BIL was ranked twenty-seventh topographic point in the list of India’s Fastest Turning Large Companies by Business Today.

    Special on June of the twelvemonth 2008. Merchandise:New Britannia Tiger:Britannia Tiger. one of the biggest trade names in the childs section. has re-invented itself to revolutionise the construct of kids’ nutrition in the state. Equipped with a new vision of taking the kids’ nutrition infinite. Britannia Tiger has revamped its offerings to incarnate merriment and energy on one manus and wellness and nutrition on the other.

    Enriched with growing foods across all its discrepancies -Glucose. Krunch Cookies and Creams. Britannia Tiger comes with the creed of ‘Roz Badho’ . Aimed at turn toing every mother’s concern on their kid’s nutrition. Britannia Tiger has undergone a considerable displacement in its merchandise offering. transforming itself into a healthier and tastier embodiment.

    Identifying the function of biscuits as a of import constituent of day-to-day nutrient and a major bearer of nutrition. Britannia Tiger fortifies itself. across classs. with growing foods like Fe. Ca.

    folic acid. vitamin A and D* . Packed with 25 % of day-to-day growing foods ( every 100 gram ) .
    Britannia NutriChoice Oat Cookies:For the first clip in India we have Britannia NutriChoice ‘DiabeticFriendly’ Essentials specially designed for people with diabetes. There’s no longer a demand to avoid bites or travel hungry while going or at work.

    Rather attack snacking in a healthy manner with our Oat Cookies. Britannia NutriChoice Oat Cookies are scientifically created to accommodate the particular life style and nutrition demands of diabetics to pull off utmost swings in blood sugar. They are tasty. crunchy and convenient option for those mid-meal stabs. In add-on. the oat fibre lowers rise in blood sugar.

    helps command blood cholesterin and helps you experience satisfied and active for longer.

    Britannia NutriChoice Ragi Cookies:For the first clip in India we have Britannia NutriChoice ‘Diabetic Friendly’ Essentials specially designed for people with diabetes. There’s no longer a demand to avoid bites or travel hungry while going or at work. Rather attack snacking in a healthy manner with our Ragi Cookies. Britannia NutriChoice Ragi Cookies are scientifically created to accommodate the particular life style and nutrition demands of diabetics to pull off utmost swings in blood sugar degrees. They are tasty.

    crunchy and convenient option for those mid-meal stabs. Ragi helps lower blood glucose degrees and in a rich beginning of Mg. which is instrumental for the production of of import enzymes. Our Ragi Cookies are a good beginning of fibre.

    both soluble and indissoluble. for bosom and digestive wellness.
    Veg Cakes:Britannia Veg Cakes is every vegetarian’s dream come true! 100 % vegetarian bar with all the softness and delight a bar should hold. Every piece is soft and downy.

    stuffed with existent fruit spots. to give you a bar that is genuinely delightful. down to the last piece. Add to this nothing cholesterin and a 3 month shelf life and you have a healthy. convenient bite to bask any clip.

    anyplace. Catch a battalion of Britannia Veg Cake today. Masti ka Green Signal! Spirit: Twisty Fruity Price and sizes: Rs. 15/- for 75 gm battalion.
    Nutrichoice Health Starter Kit:2010 – Britannia Nutrichoice launches a New Year battalion – the Nutrichoice HealthStarter Kit. Created for everyone who makes a New Year declaration to go healthy and does non follow through on it.

    The Health Starter Kit contains a scope of healthy biscuits – 1 battalion each of Nutrichoice Hi-Fiber Digestive. Nutrichoice 5 Grain and Nutrichoice Nature Spice Cracker. It besides has a one hebdomad free base on balls to Talalkars gym that entitles every consumer to one hebdomad free test of any Talwalkars ( TBVF ltd ) gym across the state. In add-on to this the battalion besides contains a Fit Sip Sipper and a fitness chart. All this for merely Rs 100.

    NutriChoice 5 Grain:Most consumers believe that to in order to remain healthy one needs to do certain via medias on some good things in life. Whether it is losing that excess hr of slumber over early forenoon exercising. or eating unappetising nutrients over that excess oil-dripping samosa. At the same clip most of us agree that good nutrition can non come from one sort of nutrient entirely.

    but from a healthy combination / mixture of several healthy ingredients set together. Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain Biscuits are a perfect reply to those looking for healthy feeding options without every bit much doing a via media on gustatory sensation. or convenience. or wellness.
    Because Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits are made from 5 carefully chosen healthy cereals ( Oats that aid cut down bad cholesterin. Corn which promotes bosom wellness.

    Ragi a good beginning of both Calcium every bit good as Fibre. Rice low in fat. and Wheat that provides wholesome energy ) . These biscuits are finely sweetened with natural honey. and come in a alone big egg-shaped form. It is this big size and the healthy combination of the ingredients.

    that make it an ideal hungriness fellow for those mediate repasts clip hungriness. Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuit battalion contains several little individual service pocket repasts battalions. so that one is ne’er far off from lenifying hungriness on the move. So whenever you miss your breakfast. or succumb to those unhealthy flushing bites.

    you can enjoy the goodness of wellness with Britannia NutriChoice 5 Grain biscuits. NutriChoice SugarOut:Sounds like yesterday when people commented that healthy nutrients meant “compromising on the gustatory sensation. ” NutriChoice SugarOut is the most fresh merchandise scope to hold been introduced in the market. The merchandise is non merely sweet but tastes great. and yet contains no added sugar. This is because NutriChoice SugarOut is sweetened with “Sucralose.

    ” derived from sugar. which provides the same sugariness as any other biscuit. without the added Calories of sugar. This scope is available in 3 delightful discrepancies viz.

    Lifetime. Chocolate pick. and Orange pick. targeted towards all wellness sensitive people. It is besides relevant for consumers with sugar related complaints.

    We are certain that you will be cheerily delighted with its great gustatory sensation and every bit surprised to cognize that it has no added sugar. Don’t be taken for a drive when you read “Sugar Free” label on many biscuit battalions marketed in India or abroad. Even with 100 % no-added sugar. wheat-cereals in biscuits have their ain natural sugar content. Britannia has chosen to stand for these biscuits with “No Added Sugar” claim. as there is no added sugar in the processing of NutriChoice SugarOut.

    NutriChoice Digestive Biscuit:Nothing can be more hard than doing little attempts in our day-to-day life towards healthy and active life. 24/7 we are engrossed in our busy agendas ; jumping repasts. losing walks. along with unequal slumber and often eating-out. all take a heavy toll on our wellness. At least with the new and improved NutriChoice Digestive Biscuit.

    we have one less thing to worry approximately. Made with 50 % whole-wheat and packed with added fiber ( 10 % of our day-to-day dietetic demands ) . these delightfully tasty biscuits are amongst your healthiest bites of the twenty-four hours. In your following visit to a store merely look out for its Golden-green international carton battalion. Try one and you’ll know that you’ve made one smart pick – NutriChoice.

    Treat Fruit Rollz:All childs who have relished the yummy creamy hoarded wealths of Britannia Treat in exciting spirits. have yet another ground to observe! Britannia Treat launches the surprisingly delectable Treat Fruit Rollz! ! These tasty soft axial rotations are filled with existent fruits and supply a healthy yet savory dainty to the childs. Fruit Rollz comes in four masti fruit flavours – Juicy Apple. Strawberry Surprise.

    Tangy Orange and Delicious Dates! Want to cognize a small secret? They make the best lunch dainty! So during bite clip what better than to crunch on the delightful and healthy Fruit Rollz and detect the yummy fruit spirit from within the shells. Keeping up with Britannia’s platform of ‘taste bhi. wellness bhi’ . Fruit Rollz is so a yummy noshing option for childs.

    while maintaining the Moms assured about the goodness provided by the fruit filling. So travel on and handle yourself to the lip-smacking bite!
    New Britannia Milk Bikis:Milk Bikis. the favorite growing spouse of Kids. now brings greater value and delectation to all with its new merchandise and battalion design. Recently re-launched in its bing Southern & A ; Eastern markets.

    and extended across India. the new Milk Bikis is all set to add exhilaration and entreaty to ‘nutritious’ nutrient. Whoever said that ‘good food’ demands to look ‘dull and boring’ . will merely hold to take a expression at Milk Bikis. With a alone and attractive honeycomb design and an enhanced merchandise experience.

    the new biscuit prompts the ‘Kid’s will love it’ reaction amongst female parents. The milk goodness in the formula is now enhanced with SMART NUTRIENTS – 4 critical vitamins. Fe and I. proven to help mental and physical development in turning childs. The premium packaging.

    besides appealing to childs. besides ensures that the biscuits remain fresh and chip. So. whether its breakfast clip or bite clip at school. remainder assured that childs will look frontward to crunching these crunchy.

    milky biscuits which even helps in their development. And yes. grownups won’t be far behind in making out for a battalion!

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    Biscuit and Britannia Sample Essay. (2018, Oct 22). Retrieved from

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