Being one of the best companies in the world Google Inc. (Google or “the company”) is a worldwide technology organization that provides search, enterprise, platforms and operating systems, marketing and hardware products. The organization have premises in UK, US and in other nations across the globe.
The corporation command strong global reach and market share that offer maintainable advantage as the corporation ingrained position in the market permits it to drive revenues. However, extreme competition has capability to influence the market share and growth prospects in the company.
The success of Google Corporation is directly founded on its capability to exert its strengths. Mostly the company strengths must be enough to sustain its growth in the SWOT analysis model.
One of the main strength of the company is that it is an excellent frontrunner in search engine that shows its dominance in the market and a big portion of the internet searches globally. Google control about 63% of all shares in the market via the internet searches where even the rivals are unable to match their success.
Also another strength that Google enjoy is the ability to generate use traffic. Being one of the household brands worldwide its capability to motivate internet operators’ traffic is renowned, and hence this has assisted it in becoming one of the utmost influential brands globally.
In fact, Google corporation attain more than 1.2 billion hits a months in relations to various exceptional searches that operators implement on the website and thus this ensure it have unparalleled edge and unrivaled advantage over its rivals in the marketplace.
The company also through revenue model reaps huge profits via third partnership with sites that have held the organization through also its capability to swab up incomes and upsurge both its bottom-line as well as it top-line is apprehensive. This remains also an important asset of the corporation that has aided it gauge better statures.
One of the last strengths of the company is the introduction of Mobile and Android Technologies and thus this has enabled it to become a direct rival of Apple as far as these strategies, where also operating systems are looked upon. Irrespective of its market supremacy, Google’s weaknesses brings trials to its corporate.
According to Googles Code of Conduct it openly shares private corporation information across the organization. The company faces many risks as a result of having more than 20000 employees around the globe who openly share private information within the company.
This is a big challenge as the information leak either intentional or otherwise is more difficult to control when a lot of workers are privy to such statistics.
About 90% of all google revenue is as a result of online advertisement where also the online advertisement is predicted to improve in double digits and thus will enable google to grow its revenue in the short run. However; in the long run the company may face slow revenue growth or even the decline.
Bearing in mind that Google is big corporation it has many services and product that add very little value to the company thus resulting to loss in many instances and finally decreasing the company revenue’s. Also, the company is mostly involved in hearing over the entered patents and other intelligent property.
All in all this litigation are more expensive and use a lot of time and in most cases amuses the corporation from innovating rather than litigating. The company is well known for organizing information concisely and precisely.
The information provided by Google has been crucial towards expansion of global internet use, contributing massively to the global economy.
The reason why Google is associated with being a global economy enhancer is because other corporative have utilized its search engine through a click of a mouse and get some crucial information vital for their development.
Google has a motto,” do not be evil”. It means that the company is geared towards providing information that will help people solve their problems.
Google’s practices have been criticized by some authoritarian states like China for providing information to their citizen, which in their view is destructive but on a true balance, Google has committed no offence and instead it has done more good than harm.
The following are opportunities which the company can utilize on; Android system: the company can properly utilize the app and pose serious competition to Apple.
The Strategic thinking of a company is based on how the company does business. For example, manufacturing companies do plan in terms of big projects which take long time to be implemented and require long preparations.
Basically, companies which build complex items or structures naturally plan their production in life cycles and can take about one to two years or sometimes even longer.
Long cycle planning was a business model that was most prevalent in the 20th century and was mostly engineered through the power of books and proper business planning. Internet companies like Google should work with a different pace in order to meet the ever changing demands of its users around the world.
Google for instance should make short time plans which results to big positive impacts on an ongoing basis to its radical customers. For the company to succeed and supersede its competitors it should ensure that it keeps on evolving on a daily basis incorporating all the customers’ demands continuously.
The company is in a good position of having a core capability such as good corporation values that entices a pool of top talent wanted for invention, brand equity and public relations. These essential capabilities will play an important part in safeguarding the corporation’s market share upsurges in its corresponding ingenuities.