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    An Agnostic Perspective Essay (1344 words)

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    Nothing exists in a vaccuum. Fact. If nothing exists in a vaccuum, there has to be a vacuum, as it is where nothing exists, which is something. The vaccum is something, which means that nothing is also something, if it was not in a vaccuum where would it be? The only place nothing exists is in a vaccum. It wouldn”t be, period, it would be something. Which means nothing would be something. Nihil esse quid. Nothing is also something, which means nothing doesn”t exist, as something exists. Something must exist, outside the vacuum. Which it does. The universe and everything in it just an example.

    As to the existence of anything else, that”s an arguement adsurdum. A premise being true only because it has not been proven false, or that a premise is false only because it has not been proven true, is a logical fallacy. Everything in existence has an essential nature to it, it has structure. This is essentialism. What something is, is more important than what it could be. Essense, structure, is more important than than it”s general existence. What it is, is more important than that it is. The quiddity whatness / somethingness of existence is more important than the quality and quantity of existence, itself.

    It stands to reason then, that nothing is less important than existence, if something is more important than existence. Nothing is secondary to existence, if something is nothing. Nothing is less important than existence, itself. Nothing is less certain than existence. Nothing is then, therefore, more uncertain than existence. Uncertain is synonymous with less certainty. Secondary is synonymous with less important. And lesser is synonymous with negative. Nothing is more negative than existance. Nothing is more contradictory than existence. Nothing is in more denial than existence. More denial than” is synonymous with “no”.

    No is synonymous with non. Nothing is non existence, therefore since nothing is something, and something implies existence, existence too is debatable. This why we have philosophy. Existence is synonymous with everything. Everything is debatable. And if everything is something debate, then it could also be said that since nothing is something, it also proves that something is also nothing not debate. So it could be said: Something = Nomething. Nothing is therefore indeed debatable, which is why I am debating nothing.

    Rest assured, however, I am also debating something. Taoism is a philosophy based upon Lao-Tzu”s basic premise of the conduct that can be described as truest is not the correct conduct. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao Tzu also states in Verse 81 that wise men do not debate, however everything is debatable, including nothing. A blanket statement like “Wise men do not debate” can easily be debated. I may not be thought of as wise, but even that is debatable. As is the previous statement. Taoism is only half right. “Wise men do not need to debate” is like saying nothing is everything. Nothing doesn”t = Everything.

    Nothing = Something, only that much has been proven to be true. Debate is something, but it is not everything. Everything is debatable, that has also been proven to be true, however, it does not mean everything is debated. The brevity of human life prevents the debate of every possible outcome. Nothing is debatable, for a long time, which is why this essay on nothing is soon to be 570 words and counting. This sentence makes 570 words exactly. Buddhism is the search for nothingness, also known as Nirvana. Since nothing has been proven to be nonexistant, it stands to reason that Nirvana/nothingness does not exist.

    Buddhism is therefore bunk. Christianity states that God is omnipresent. Abrahamic thought Judeaism, Christianity, Islam, others is also bunk as they all state that Hell is the absense of God. Whether this Hell is permanent or transitory depends on the religion. However, if God is omnipresent, God also exists in Hell. Hell is supposed to be the absense of God, yet God is omnipresent, therefore God must exist in Hell as well as Heaven, debunking at least Hell. Christianity is also therefore bunk. The only way to argue for Hell is to say it is a place of nonexistence, it is a place of nothingness.

    Nothingness has been proven to not exist. If nothingness existed, it would have existence, therefore it would be something, but since nothing doesn”t exist, then something has to exist. And it does. The universe and everything in it exists. If Hell does not exist, then Abrahamic tradition is bunk. If God exists, he cannot be omnipresent, because he would be present in Hell as well, which the Jews, Christians, Muslims, all believe exists. Hell cannot exist unless God is also present there, otherwise he would not be omnipresent. No Hell, no Christianity. No Hell, no Judaism, No Hell, no Islam.

    Giving Christianity, et. al. the benefit of the doubt, Genesis 1:26 states that “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness… ” I am an agnostic. If I am created in God”s image then God must have desired me to be an agnostic. This would mean that God does not know he exists, because he is also an agnostic. God therefore does not know we exist or that he, if he exists, is God, if I am created “in our image”. How many Gods are there? Maybe God is a schizophrenic. From the Bible, he seems to be at least bipolar. I bet the Christians would love that.

    As for atheism, if one is an atheist, then God too must be an atheist, according to Gen. 1:26. God would have to KNOW he doesn”t exist. “Cogito ergo sum”, said Descartes. I think therefore I am. God being an atheist is however absurd. To be is to think, at least as far as sentience goes. To think is to be. At least, as far as cogito ergo sum, could further be elaborated upon by also stating, “Cogito cogito ergo cogito sum. I think I think, therefore I think I am. “, Ambrose Bierce. True, Bierce was being humorous when he said this, but he may also be correct, considering the amount of nonsense and suffering there is in the world.

    If the atheist is right, however, then God does not exist, so how could he be around to enact Genesis in the first place? No God, no Genesis, no creation in God”s image. Nothing = Something = Nothing. What happens when we die? Oblivion. What happens when we die? Higher Consciousness. Oblivion is higher consciousness. To not remember anything would be enlightening, to say the least… especially if life is suffering. However, nothingness has been proven to be nonexistant. Nothing exists in a vaccum. A vaccuum is something. Something is nothing, by way of proxy.

    Since nothing is something, it also proves that something is also nothing because nothing is something and something is equal to something. What happens when we die’something. Nothing. It”s all the same thing. A better question might be: What happens before we live’sperm. Egg. What happens to a prune when you kill it by eating it? Molecules become energy become molecules because the universe factory is off, only turning raw material into energy and back again. Same great universe. Different flavor and bigger packaging. Same ingredients. The Christian notion of God, however is quite bogus. No Hell, no Christianity, remember?

    This does not necessarily mean that God does indeed exist. I”m not trying to debunk atheism here, just religion. I for one am keeping an open mind, within reason. As to God, this would mean that God may exist. Something existed before the Big Bang-Big Crunch process. If a time paradox, where did the emptiness come from? Why is it a vaccuum and not a say, a smooth surface? Why no edges? Why does negative repel the like? Why is the sky blue and the grass green? Why? Nothing = Something. That”s why. And that”s what happens when you die. Apathy. It”s my subjectively neutral outlook on the matter.

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    An Agnostic Perspective Essay (1344 words). (2018, May 06). Retrieved from

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