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    Abortion Essay Intro (4315 words)

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    In three weeks, Jennifer will leave for college.

    She broke up with herboyfriend two weeks ago, and today she found out she was pregnant. Should Jennifer have an abortion, or stop all her plans and have a babyat eighteen? Either way the decision is hers to make. On January 22,1973 the landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade occurring in the SupremeCourt made abortion a “constitutional liberty” (Francome 20). Legally,Jennifer can receive an abortion. Socially, however, she will enduremany more obstacles.

    Fighting for society’s acceptanceIn today’s American society, viewpoints on certain topics oftenconflict with what individuals believe is right. This is very evidentin the argument for acceptance of abortions among college students. However, with the rise of the anti-abortion movement this procedure hasbecome less accepted and harder to obtain. Should abortions amongcollege students be more widely accepted in society? According to aPlanned Parenthood study done in 1997, forty percent of seventeen yearolds will become pregnant before their twenty-fifth birthday.

    Thisstatistic is directly targeted at college age females. The answer isfar from being strictly a black and white issue, but my own viewpoint is”yes” abortions should be accepted among society for many reasons. Thecontroversial issue of abortion has many intertwining, surroundingcomplications. Such an issue is never concrete, “inAmerica, about 20% of Americans thoroughly oppose abortions, 20%thoroughly favor abortions, while a vast majority are ‘muddled in themiddle'” (Pojman and Beckwith 59). As with any pregnancy there areimpending risks involved and many extenuating circumstances that justifyan abortion. In a perfect world, abortions are not the best way toprevent unwanted pregnancies, but there are many “bumps in the road,”keeping the United States from being perfect.

    Defining Life?The main question facing society is the definition of a fetus’ point ofliving. Pro-Lifers believe that, “a fertilized embryo is the foundationfor a living human being” (National College Students for Life). Incontrast, pro-choicers argue that a human being is something moreconcrete with it’s own thought processes and consciousness. Petcheskyargues, “the fetus is only a potential human being, and we confuseactual with potential” (432). So who is right and who is wrong? Whomakes the definition of a living human being? These however, arequestions that will most likely never be resolved. Therefore, bothsides need to accept and respect each other views on the issue forsociety as a whole to be more accepting of abortion.

    Emotional InstabilityThe emotions that result from being in a college atmosphere and theemotions that occur with pregnancy do not coincide. Most collegestudents are not emotionally stable enough to carry or give birth to achild. As stated by Rosalind Petchesky, “women between the ages ofeighteen and twenty are at the highest level of emotional insecurityand have proven to be unfit mothers” (322). Entering college is a newexperience for teenagers which involves a new sense of freedom andresponsibility. College students are battling with being on their ownfor the first time, managing their time and studying. College studentshave too much emotional strain and stress on them to add the additionalstress of having a child.

    A survey was conducted among college malesand females on their various viewpoints of abortion. Of those surveyed,82% of both males and females claimed they did not feel that they wouldmake a capable parent while still remaining in college. Having a childbrings a whole new sense of responsibility that I do not believe collegestudents are able to handle. The added stress of morning sickness, moodswings, weight gain and other anxieties attributed to pregnancy wouldplace to much of a emotional strain on an already tense collegestudent. Pro-Lifers argue, “if one is responsible enough to have sex,one should be responsible enough to deal with the consequences”(National College Students for Life). I am in agreement with theresponsibility necessary to be a part of a sexual relationship but thereality of unwanted pregnancies is far too large to overlook.

    Studiesshow that “each year, one million teenagers become pregnant and 85% ofthese pregnancies are unwanted” (Detroit News). Of course there isalways the counter argument of putting the child up for adoption, butthat leads to more emotional entanglements. Having to go through a ninemonth period carrying a child growing inside you may cause you to becomeattached to that child, which may not receive the life it deserves atthat time. Consequences of unwanted pregnanciesWhen examining the records of any mental or penal institution andprison, one realizes that in too many cases the person was raised in ahousehold where the parents did not want the child (Landes 121). Achild requires love and compassion to grow and live a happy life. Thechildren that do not receive adequate attention often go to jail orbecome insane because they have never learned to love.

    Also becauseabortions are not always easily accessible or accepted, mothers findanother way to get rid of the child. This means that the children livein foster homes where they do not lead stable lives (Landes 122). Extenuating circumstancesMore than 87,000 rapes were reported in 1996, and 40% of those rapeswere considered date or acquaintance rape among women between the agesof sixteen and twenty, typical college age students (Willke 193). Rapeis a violent act that may leave a woman pregnant. Christina, a 20year-old rape victim, remarks on her decision of abortion rather thanadoption, “losing a seven week fetus which weighed less than aspirintablet does not compare to losing a seven pound baby with hair andfingernails that would look like me” (Bender and Leone 132).

    Regardlesshow much a mother loves her child, it is unbearably difficult to lookinto its face without thinking about the mortifying activity on how thechild was conceived. Rape is a harsh crime and having a baby remindingthe woman is too much to ask, unless she is totally willing. Abortions should also be more accepted and accessible to women whoselives are in danger or whose children will be born with a terminalillness. Pregnancy does not go with out health risks. However,”teenage mothers are more likely to give birth to unhealthy children dueto their immaturity” (Maloy 124). It is not fair to the child nor theparents to bring the child into the world under those circumstances.

    The parent’s life would be completely altered due to the demanding needsof terminal ill children and this would not correspond with a demandingcollege schedule. Breakdown of sociological expectationsSociety’s expectations of today’s generation also conflict with theacceptance of abortion among college students. All of our lives it isinstilled in us to further our education by attending a college oruniversity. Those females who have achieved this goal should be highlypraised. However, this praise and recognition is then shattered uponthem becoming pregnant. The treatment received and the emotionalstruggles endured will make it hard for a continuation of their collegeeducation, not to mention the emotional strength it takes to carry andthen support a child.

    According to the same Planned Parenthood study,mentioned previously, the majority of female college students that havechildren in college, are not able to finish their college careers. Another issue that society deems important is family values, and onceagain, society’s lack of acceptance of abortion conflicts with thisissue. We have been taught, and studies show, that a nuclear family ishealthiest. The probability of a pregnant college student being a partof a nuclear family, with two married parents, is low.

    As supported inthe survey conducted, 30% of males said they would not support a childthat was a result of a one night stand. This leaves the child without atwo parent family, which is against society’s norm that we are expectedto follow. Financial burdenSeventy-three percent of college students are receiving some form offinancial aid, grant, scholarship or student loan (College Board 1996). College students are usually already on a fixed and strict budget andchildren are a huge expense on top of that. It is estimated that8,000-10,000 dollars are spent on a newborn within it’s first year oflife (Hume 213).

    With or without support, many college students couldnot afford the expense of a child in addition to college expenses, andtherefore would be forced financially to drop out of school. Secondly,a large portion of the financial burden of children is held by medicalexpenses. There is a great insufficiency in the number of inexpensiveand accessible medical utilities for young adults without any form ofinsurance. To follow through with a healthy pregnancy, adequatepre-natal care must be given. Because the majority of pre-nataldevelopment occurs within the first trimester (Willke 46), favorabledevelopment requires frequent check ups, along with vitamins and drugsthat help prevent birth defects. Facilities that dispense such servicesare usually expensive and require medical insurance.

    After a child isborn, immunizations and follow up care is required. These proceduresalso require some form of payment. The majority of college students donot have jobs that provide adequate medical coverage, if they even havejobs. So obviously, for manyreasons having and supporting a child is too much of a financial burdenon a college student and abortion seems the logical answer.

    Is there a solution?Now that all the problems of having a child in college have beendiscussed, it’s time to ask the question-Can anything be done to makeabortions among college students more socially accepted? I believesomething can be done and many different possibilities need to beproposed. More educationAs with any other issue, education is the basis of judgment. Accordingto psychologist, Dr. Martin J.

    Sternberg, “the way children are educatedat a young age directly affects their behavior as adults” (Pojman andBeckwith 418). Therefore, children need to be educated possibly asyoung as elementary school on the topic of abortion. At this agechildren are just starting to learn of society’s expectation of them togo to college in the future. They then will be able to directlycorrelate the need of responsibility to raise a child with the strugglesof a college student, and learn they don’t mix. Of course educationcannot stop at this age, and must continue throughout high school.

    Educating young children implants the notion in their minds, but highschool students are on a more mature level to comprehend information,especially dealing with sexual relationships. High school students arealso at the perfect age to realize the emotional and physical hardshipsthat would be endured if one was to have a child in college. Of thecollege students surveyed, 63% did not know exactly how an abortion wasperformed. Teachingchildren about abortion at a young age, and constant reinforcementthroughout their schooling will allow them to be more knowledgeable andaccepting if they are a part of, or know someone who is a part of such asituation, once they reach college age. In addition to education about abortion, education about alternativemethods of birth control is necessary.

    A study done in 1995 showed that82% of women that received abortions, that year, were not using anymethod of birth control at point of conception. It could be inferredfrom this statistic that these women did not have knowledge about birthcontrol or access to it. Again, starting at an early age in education,children should be taught the logistics of different methods of birthcontrol. In many states, including North Carolina, the only method ofbirth control allowed to be taught, by law, is abstinence. The presenceof pre-marital sex among teenagers in today’s generation cannot beignored. Instead of trying to discount the number of teenagers thatparticipate in pre-marital sex, society should go with a more realisticapproach and educate them about birth control and therefore, there willbe fewer necessary abortions.

    Educating today’s youth about abortion and birth control will conjureideas in them at a young age. With education comes knowledge, and withknowledge comes acceptance. Greater accessibilityMuch of the problem with accepting abortion is the lack of facilitiesthat perform abortions. Only thirteen percent of abortions areperformed within hospitals (Landes 64). The rest are performed outsideof hospitals in clinics. The Alan Guttmacher Institutesurveyed and found only 2,680 abortion clinics in the United States.

    Eighty-eight percent of the clinics are only in metropolitan areas whereninety-eight percent of abortions are performed (Landes 64). Ruralcounties that contain colleges or universities do not have suchaccessibility to facilities that perform abortions. The AGI discoveredthat eighty-three percent of rural counties did not have clinics. Limited facilities that perform clinics poses a dilemma for collegestudents that may not have transportation or time, to travel tometropolitan areas. However, if colleges installed on-campus abortionclinics with certified doctors and psychologists, for counselingpurposes, this problem could be corrected. With on-campus abortionclinics, it would show the university to be more accepting andunderstanding of college students need for such medical facilities, andtherefore, society as a whole may be more accepting.

    The clinics shouldbe widely advertised so that students knew of their presence. However,they should also be in an environment that the students still feel safeand protected. It is imperative that these clinics includepsychologists for counseling needs because, as previously stated,college students are encountering many new experiences and may needsomeone to talk to about their decision. The increase of abortionclinics, in places where college students can access them, is essentialto society being more understanding of college students’ situation ifthey become pregnant.

    Coming to a compromiseAbortion will always be a very controversial issue with many differentaspects intertwining within the issue. People will have their setopinions on the topic and that isfine. All that is being asked is, that society, as a whole, come to therealization of the situation that college students are a part of. Anunderstanding of the stress and pressure that is already upon collegestudents is needed to comprehend the impossibility of undertaking, andfollowing through with, a pregnancy during these years of life.

    Thereare many people that consider themselves pro-choice, but pro-life forthemselves. These people need to be recognized as leaders, in suchthat, they have made an opinion for their own bodies but are not willingto make the same decision for the rest of the world. For many reasonssuch as, lack of finances and medical care, society’s expectations ofour generation, and the emotional strain of pregnancy and motherhoodclearly illustrate need for acceptance in today’s world. Collegestudents are not emotionally nor financially stable enough to carry andraise a child. One night of stupidity should not be punishable by alifetime of struggleIn three weeks, Jennifer will leave for college. She broke up with herboyfriend two weeks ago, and today she found out she was pregnant.

    Should Jennifer have an abortion, or stop all her plans and have a babyat eighteen? Either way the decision is hers to make. On January 22,1973 the landmark decision of Roe vs. Wade occurring in the SupremeCourt made abortion a “constitutional liberty” (Francome 20). Legally,Jennifer can receive an abortion. Socially, however, she will enduremany more obstacles.

    Fighting for society’s acceptanceIn today’s American society, viewpoints on certain topics oftenconflict with what individuals believe is right. This is very evidentin the argument for acceptance of abortions among college students. However, with the rise of the anti-abortion movement this procedure hasbecome less accepted and harder to obtain. Should abortions amongcollege students be more widely accepted in society? According to aPlanned Parenthood study done in 1997, forty percent of seventeen yearolds will become pregnant before their twenty-fifth birthday. Thisstatistic is directly targeted at college age females.

    The answer isfar from being strictly a black and white issue, but my own viewpoint is”yes” abortions should be accepted among society for many reasons. Thecontroversial issue of abortion has many intertwining, surroundingcomplications. Such an issue is never concrete, “inAmerica, about 20% of Americans thoroughly oppose abortions, 20%thoroughly favor abortions, while a vast majority are ‘muddled in themiddle'” (Pojman and Beckwith 59). As with any pregnancy there areimpending risks involved and many extenuating circumstances that justifyan abortion.

    In a perfect world, abortions are not the best way toprevent unwanted pregnancies, but there are many “bumps in the road,”keeping the United States from being perfect. Defining Life?The main question facing society is the definition of a fetus’ point ofliving. Pro-Lifers believe that, “a fertilized embryo is the foundationfor a living human being” (National College Students for Life). Incontrast, pro-choicers argue that a human being is something moreconcrete with it’s own thought processes and consciousness. Petcheskyargues, “the fetus is only a potential human being, and we confuseactual with potential” (432). So who is right and who is wrong? Whomakes the definition of a living human being? These however, arequestions that will most likely never be resolved.

    Therefore, bothsides need to accept and respect each other views on the issue forsociety as a whole to be more accepting of abortion. Emotional InstabilityThe emotions that result from being in a college atmosphere and theemotions that occur with pregnancy do not coincide. Most collegestudents are not emotionally stable enough to carry or give birth to achild. As stated by Rosalind Petchesky, “women between the ages ofeighteen and twenty are at the highest level of emotional insecurityand have proven to be unfit mothers” (322).

    Entering college is a newexperience for teenagers which involves a new sense of freedom andresponsibility. College students are battling with being on their ownfor the first time, managing their time and studying. College studentshave too much emotional strain and stress on them to add the additionalstress of having a child. A survey was conducted among college malesand females on their various viewpoints of abortion. Of those surveyed,82% of both males and females claimed they did not feel that they wouldmake a capable parent while still remaining in college. Having a childbrings a whole new sense of responsibility that I do not believe collegestudents are able to handle.

    The added stress of morning sickness, moodswings, weight gain and other anxieties attributed to pregnancy wouldplace to much of a emotional strain on an already tense collegestudent. Pro-Lifers argue, “if one is responsible enough to have sex,one should be responsible enough to deal with the consequences”(National College Students for Life). I am in agreement with theresponsibility necessary to be a part of a sexual relationship but thereality of unwanted pregnancies is far too large to overlook. Studiesshow that “each year, one million teenagers become pregnant and 85% ofthese pregnancies are unwanted” (Detroit News). Of course there isalways the counter argument of putting the child up for adoption, butthat leads to more emotional entanglements.

    Having to go through a ninemonth period carrying a child growing inside you may cause you to becomeattached to that child, which may not receive the life it deserves atthat time. Consequences of unwanted pregnanciesWhen examining the records of any mental or penal institution andprison, one realizes that in too many cases the person was raised in ahousehold where the parents did not want the child (Landes 121). Achild requires love and compassion to grow and live a happy life. Thechildren that do not receive adequate attention often go to jail orbecome insane because they have never learned to love. Also becauseabortions are not always easily accessible or accepted, mothers findanother way to get rid of the child.

    This means that the children livein foster homes where they do not lead stable lives (Landes 122). Extenuating circumstancesMore than 87,000 rapes were reported in 1996, and 40% of those rapeswere considered date or acquaintance rape among women between the agesof sixteen and twenty, typical college age students (Willke 193). Rapeis a violent act that may leave a woman pregnant. Christina, a 20year-old rape victim, remarks on her decision of abortion rather thanadoption, “losing a seven week fetus which weighed less than aspirintablet does not compare to losing a seven pound baby with hair andfingernails that would look like me” (Bender and Leone 132).

    Regardlesshow much a mother loves her child, it is unbearably difficult to lookinto its face without thinking about the mortifying activity on how thechild was conceived. Rape is a harsh crime and having a baby remindingthe woman is too much to ask, unless she is totally willing. Abortions should also be more accepted and accessible to women whoselives are in danger or whose children will be born with a terminalillness. Pregnancy does not go with out health risks.

    However,”teenage mothers are more likely to give birth to unhealthy children dueto their immaturity” (Maloy 124). It is not fair to the child nor theparents to bring the child into the world under those circumstances. The parent’s life would be completely altered due to the demanding needsof terminal ill children and this would not correspond with a demandingcollege schedule. Breakdown of sociological expectationsSociety’s expectations of today’s generation also conflict with theacceptance of abortion among college students.

    All of our lives it isinstilled in us to further our education by attending a college oruniversity. Those females who have achieved this goal should be highlypraised. However, this praise and recognition is then shattered uponthem becoming pregnant. The treatment received and the emotionalstruggles endured will make it hard for a continuation of their collegeeducation, not to mention the emotional strength it takes to carry andthen support a child.

    According to the same Planned Parenthood study,mentioned previously, the majority of female college students that havechildren in college, are not able to finish their college careers. Another issue that society deems important is family values, and onceagain, society’s lack of acceptance of abortion conflicts with thisissue. We have been taught, and studies show, that a nuclear family ishealthiest. The probability of a pregnant college student being a partof a nuclear family, with two married parents, is low. As supported inthe survey conducted, 30% of males said they would not support a childthat was a result of a one night stand.

    This leaves the child without atwo parent family, which is against society’s norm that we are expectedto follow. Financial burdenSeventy-three percent of college students are receiving some form offinancial aid, grant, scholarship or student loan (College Board 1996). College students are usually already on a fixed and strict budget andchildren are a huge expense on top of that. It is estimated that8,000-10,000 dollars are spent on a newborn within it’s first year oflife (Hume 213). With or without support, many college students couldnot afford the expense of a child in addition to college expenses, andtherefore would be forced financially to drop out of school.

    Secondly,a large portion of the financial burden of children is held by medicalexpenses. There is a great insufficiency in the number of inexpensiveand accessible medical utilities for young adults without any form ofinsurance. To follow through with a healthy pregnancy, adequatepre-natal care must be given. Because the majority of pre-nataldevelopment occurs within the first trimester (Willke 46), favorabledevelopment requires frequent check ups, along with vitamins and drugsthat help prevent birth defects. Facilities that dispense such servicesare usually expensive and require medical insurance.

    After a child isborn, immunizations and follow up care is required. These proceduresalso require some form of payment. The majority of college students donot have jobs that provide adequate medical coverage, if they even havejobs. So obviously, for manyreasons having and supporting a child is too much of a financial burdenon a college student and abortion seems the logical answer. Is there a solution?Now that all the problems of having a child in college have beendiscussed, it’s time to ask the question-Can anything be done to makeabortions among college students more socially accepted? I believesomething can be done and many different possibilities need to beproposed. More educationAs with any other issue, education is the basis of judgment.

    Accordingto psychologist, Dr. Martin J. Sternberg, “the way children are educatedat a young age directly affects their behavior as adults” (Pojman andBeckwith 418). Therefore, children need to be educated possibly asyoung as elementary school on the topic of abortion. At this agechildren are just starting to learn of society’s expectation of them togo to college in the future.

    They then will be able to directlycorrelate the need of responsibility to raise a child with the strugglesof a college student, and learn they don’t mix. Of course educationcannot stop at this age, and must continue throughout high school. Educating young children implants the notion in their minds, but highschool students are on a more mature level to comprehend information,especially dealing with sexual relationships. High school students arealso at the perfect age to realize the emotional and physical hardshipsthat would be endured if one was to have a child in college. Of thecollege students surveyed, 63% did not know exactly how an abortion wasperformed.

    Teachingchildren about abortion at a young age, and constant reinforcementthroughout their schooling will allow them to be more knowledgeable andaccepting if they are a part of, or know someone who is a part of such asituation, once they reach college age. In addition to education about abortion, education about alternativemethods of birth control is necessary. A study done in 1995 showed that82% of women that received abortions, that year, were not using anymethod of birth control at point of conception. It could be inferredfrom this statistic that these women did not have knowledge about birthcontrol or access to it. Again, starting at an early age in education,children should be taught the logistics of different methods of birthcontrol.

    In many states, including North Carolina, the only method ofbirth control allowed to be taught, by law, is abstinence. The presenceof pre-marital sex among teenagers in today’s generation cannot beignored. Instead of trying to discount the number of teenagers thatparticipate in pre-marital sex, society should go with a more realisticapproach and educate them about birth control and therefore, there willbe fewer necessary abortions. Educating today’s youth about abortion and birth control will conjureideas in them at a young age.

    With education comes knowledge, and withknowledge comes acceptance. Greater accessibilityMuch of the problem with accepting abortion is the lack of facilitiesthat perform abortions. Only thirteen percent of abortions areperformed within hospitals (Landes 64). The rest are performed outsideof hospitals in clinics.

    The Alan Guttmacher Institutesurveyed and found only 2,680 abortion clinics in the United States. Eighty-eight percent of the clinics are only in metropolitan areas whereninety-eight percent of abortions are performed (Landes 64). Ruralcounties that contain colleges or universities do not have suchaccessibility to facilities that perform abortions. The AGI discoveredthat eighty-three percent of rural counties did not have clinics.

    Limited facilities that perform clinics poses a dilemma for collegestudents that may not have transportation or time, to travel tometropolitan areas. However, if colleges installed on-campus abortionclinics with certified doctors and psychologists, for counselingpurposes, this problem could be corrected. With on-campus abortionclinics, it would show the university to be more accepting andunderstanding of college students need for such medical facilities, andtherefore, society as a whole may be more accepting. The clinics shou

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    Abortion Essay Intro (4315 words). (2019, Jan 05). Retrieved from

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