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    Two Communication And Technology Reflection Essay

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    The choices that I make in High School are very important. I know if I do not handle everything I need to, it will not be a good thing when I do not participate in the graduation. This part of my portfolio is called the communication and technology section, to demonstrate these skills I chose the following items: First on the list is Oral Communication and Listening Skills. I included my interview presentation. Second/Third section are, Written Communication and a word-processed document, to show that I have met these requirements I included my Kaffir Boy Project.

    Fourth on the list is send information using e-mail, for this I have included copies of e-mails that I have sent and received. Last is create, edit and analyze information using a spreadsheet or database, I included a spreadsheet for this part. My interview presentation meets the requirements of Oral Communication and Listening Skills. It meets the requirements because in this I had to listen to the person I was interviewing. I also had to take notes and come up with a presentation that I would make to the class.

    For this assignment I was expected to listen to the person I interviewed, and be able to record and present what was recorded during the interview. After the interview was finished I develop a presentation and give an oral report to the class. The Kaffir Boy Project that I did shows written communication in the following ways. I was to read a story from my World Literature book, take notes, write an essay and present it to my class.

    This demonstrates my ability to communicate bot through written word and orally written communications. Because I used a word processor to type this report this project also meets the requirements. To meet the e-mail requirement, I sent an e-mail to me advisor Mr. Clunn. About 3 days later I received a reply, included are copies of both e-mails. Last year in my business application class we were to come up with our own spreadsheet. The spreadsheet that I came up with had to do with a few of my peers and shoe sizes.

    The point of the spreadsheet was to show that boy the same age as girls, usually have bigger feet; a copy of the spreadsheet is included. As I go on trying to do everything that I can to graduate, I think back to what I should have been doing so that my senior year would not be so hard. I remember times that I should have been doing homework instead of putting it aside to do unnecessary things. I wish that I would have done things differently, and thought about how

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Two Communication And Technology Reflection Essay. (2018, Apr 22). Retrieved from

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