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    Travels: Personal Experience Essay

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    I hope once I embark, my trip to Asia to be a successful one. I am thankful that both my father and Uncle Maffeo have decided to accompany me on my journey, as well as two friars. Both I, my uncle, and father are aware of the dangers we are getting ourselves into. To say the least, we have each other.

    This voyage is known to be a long and grueling one according to my father and uncle. I sometimes forget that they have taken this journey before. I’m still wondering what first sparked their interest to go in the first place.

    Knowing my father, he is quite the adventurous man, and does not bat an eye when adventures or danger calls. I’m sure Uncle Maffeo was quite worried about him and of course had to accompany him to put his mind at ease. I feel as if that Uncle Maffeo balances out my father’s rash nature with his calming presence.

    At least now we have a mission to accomplish. On behalf of the Pope, the three of us, my father, Uncle Maffeo, and myself have been assigned to bring these gifts to the one known as Kublai Khan.

    It has been a week into our travels. Father did mentioned that our trip will start off very slow, but in the end we would have experienced something far greater. I am so far not as tired as I thought I would be. If anything I know that fatigue will kick in sooner or later.

    As of right now, I am sitting down and resting before we hit land. Being on the ocean for so long, it begins to feel the same. Except for at night when I can get a sense of peace by looking up at the stars.

    However, before I know it, I will be awake again and have continue this long boat ride. Being at the ripe age of 17, I truly am fascinated at staring at the ocean day by day.

    We have reached Tabriz about two days. My uncle and father have not seen me this excited since we first started this journey. The sheer glee on my face truly expresses how happy I am to finally get off this boat and be on flat ground. I can finally take a chance to look at the wonderful site.

    As I continue my travels with Uncle Maffeo and father, we must first reach Tabriz. My father as I mentioned in my last entry, has informed me on the level of difficulty this journey involves.

    My father explained on their first voyage they had taken a difficult route when he needed to reach Tabriz. Uncle Maffeo agreed and decided with my father to take a different route that has been known to be easier. I, being the inexperienced traveler I am, trusted both my father and uncle.

    We are traveling with a goal in mind and that is to meet Kublai Khan.

    It has so far taken us several days since we stayed in Tabriz, by taking a northern route. When we reached the city, I especially, compared to Uncle Maffeo and father, was mesmerized.

    The city of Tabriz was beautifully filled wish lush greenery and monumental buildings. I was captivated by the sole essence of the city. Tabriz was truly an amazing, yet short lived as we continue our journey ahead. As of now we are still traveling to our next major location which happens to be Badakhshan in northern Afghanistan.

    It has been several months now into our travels. I’m exhausted, miss home, hungry, and my feet can not take anymore. My father and uncle seem to managing better than I. Uncle Maffeo, did tell me there are many highs and lows when it comes to this long voyage. I am quite positive that this a low right now.

    As dehydration and fatigue are beginning to kick I am sure that this will soon pass. I just need to rest.

    As we make an effort to travel to Hormuz going in the direction south towards the Persian Gulf, we realize how unequipped the boats are for travel and that we must continue by foot. I can not explain how disappointed I was, when we had come to this realization. So we continue our tiring journey by foot.

    I have recently fallen severely ill, and I am not quite sure whether or not I will survive. Days feel like weeks and my vision has been blurry at times. My uncle and father are restlessly trying to take care of me. I have a very high fever and I am sweating profusely.

    Becoming a burden so early into this trip has impacted us significantly in a bad way. Words cannot express how bad I feel keeping us in Badakhshan. My father and Uncle have come to the conclusion that we will stay here until I am fully recovered.

    I was still very weak about two months since I have fallen ill. I am worried that my illness is getting worse and that I will not recover. I have only been able to sleep and holding down a meal has not been successful. I pray that I will soon recover.

    Several months have passed since I have first fallen ill. I have been able to regain some strength, but I am still quite weak and frail. I have become less of a burden and now managing little tasks on my own. I am a very thankful for both my father and uncle.

    I am now fully recovered and we are making our way back on our journey and proceeding on from Badakhshan. I am very thankful for the very successful recovery I have had. Also if it were not for my father and Uncle Maffeo I do not think I would have been able to survive.

    During our year long stay, we learned much about Badakhshan, and how it has become an economically thriving place. Especially since it is located along the silk road. We begin to make our way towards a desert known as the Taklamakan Desert. We have begun to “ passing through Yarkand, Khotan, and Lop-nor.”.

    Now we have finally reached the Gobi desert. It has been known to be, “ the longest desert in asia.”.We have come so far on this journey and can not give up hope for we are on this journey for a purpose and reason. Both my father and uncle have aged much on this trip and these two years have gone by fast. We are all tired and in need of a rest.

    2 months have passed and we are still traveling through this awful desert. Walking through this never ending sand has been an ordeal. The only thing keeping me going is my adventurous spirit. My uncle and father are managing quite well, however finding food has been a struggle.

    This desert is quite barren and I’m in desperate need of water and food. I am in hope we will soon come out this desert and come across an oasis.

    We Managed to escape this awful desert. It has been two months since we originally set foot in this place. We are now making our way to Suchow. It has been the first city I have seen in a long time.

    We have come to an executive decision to take time off in our travel. While being in Suchow it has allowed for us to take time off and experience an oasis. It has allowed for me to reflect on our on grueling adventure.

    I have enjoyed this time off and being able to enjoy the city of Suchow. I have been missing home for quite some time now. My uncle and father are also enjoying their break on our journey. I think for them it would do them well.

    Travel has taken a toll on them, they have aged much since we first began our travels. I am reluctant to say this but their youthful appearances have vanished.

    Success! We had started our travels again and were able to successfully reach Kublai Khan. we had royal escorts guide us to meet the Great Khan. I was able to keep my composure we had first met him. Of course we obeyed their orders when following their customs and were very respectful.

    We gave the Great Khan our gifts that we had brought from the pope. This is what I have been waiting for since we have first left. This has begun a new chapter in my life, the one I’ve yearned for so long.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Travels: Personal Experience Essay. (2023, Jan 11). Retrieved from

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