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    The Importance of Geometry in Our Daily Life Essay

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    This essay deals with the importance of geometry in our life. It includes different points to highlight the importance of geometry. It also specifies why students need to study geometry and the benefits for students in life. It also includes real examples of geometry in our life.

    In our life, people are always surrounded by different spaces and different belongings, which are of different shapes. Our universe itself is consists of different planets and stars. All these have got different shapes and symbols.

    “To be able to understand the wonder of the world’s shape and appreciate it, we need to be able to understand and have knowledge of spatial use. In other words, the areas related to space and the position, size and shape of things in it” (10 shocking reasons why geometry is important in your life, n.d., para.2).

    When one gets the idea regarding the relationship between different shapes and sizes, they can be better prepared to use those in daily lives. Here comes the importance of geometry. Geometry assists in having accurate measurements and relationships of different shapes. Geometry will increase one’s spatial understanding.

    It is often that people think of basic shapes and sizes always, “many people think well visually”. To visualize something, it is very significant that it requires an understanding of geometry. Only with the help of geometry, one can think of any kind of shape in mind before making it real.

    In the workplace also use of geometry is very important. Knowledge regarding geometry is very important in order to outshine in the work. The use of geometry gives exercise for the left and right sides of the brain. The left brain is more advanced in using technical and logical activities; at the same time, the right brain is very good at visualizing.

    Since geometry needs both, it provides very good brain exercise. In other words, geometry uses full use of the brain. Every man-made wonders that have been created in this world are with the help of geometry. It is with the help of geometry one is able to give life for his imaginative thinking.

    If geometry is not used, then everything will be in one’s dream. All sorts of two and three-dimensional shapes that we see or come across are instigating in geometry. So, geometry is considered to be an unavoidable and very important part of human life.

    “Geometry, the study of space and spatial relationships, is an important and essential branch of the mathematics curriculum at all grade levels. The ability to apply geometric concepts is a life skill used in many occupations”.

    Geometry is “an excellent training ground for” all the students who need to make use of tangible experiments. Doing these types of the experiment will enrich their knowledge in the subjects. Many types of the mathematical experiment can be easily understandable by the use of geometry.

    Not only that with the help of geometry it is very easy for the students to gain their knowledge in different types of the experiment they are doing. By studying geometry, students can apply it to their real life. When students learn geometry, it always “enhance logical reasoning”  and the thinking capability of the student.

    Developing logical reasoning and deductive thinking surely increases one’s mental and mathematical ability. Development of these is very important in students as this will help in their career to achieve more and more. Not only in their career but in life also this studying of geometry will improve their thinking capacity.

    Understanding geometry will help students to take decisions properly and it will help them to find out solutions for problems they are facing in their life. It is “certain that geometry students adequately develop their knowledge and skills for solving” any kind of problem.

    Thousands of examples can be shown for the use of geometry in our daily life. The use of geometry is inevitable in construction works. Before the beginning of the construction, architects draw the plan of the building using geometrical figures. The use of geometry in this field is not a new trend.

    It has been in use since the historic period itself. “If you go back to Roman historical sites you will see such examples like the great coliseum. A great example can be seen is the famous Egyptian pyramid. Some other famous structures are Eiffel Tower which is in Italy, Chrysler in New York.

    If you look around your neighborhood house, you will see these shapes”. Geometric principles are used by architects to ensure the safety of their constructions.

    In most of the legendary constructions of olden and new times, we can find smart use of basic geometrical principles. The new finding in these principles reflects the developments that have taken place in the building construction field.

    Geometric rules are used in the medical field for the reconstruction of our inner and outer organs. Using the geometrical principle, human movement is analyzed for applying to the fields like Robotics.

    In constructing and controlling the movements of robots, it is very necessary to study human nature based on certain principles. We can relate different objects in the real world using geometry. In the computerized reconstruction of the real world, these principles are used. So, the principles of geometry play a big role.

    Geometry has got important role in life of the people, especially students. Geometry is considered to be important part of real life. Since “world is built of shape and space, and geometry is its mathematics”. Geometry is very helpful for the students in order to solve many problems.

    With the help of geometry, many students are presently solving many problems. This helps them to understand more. Finally, many people in the world are very well in thinking visually.

    In order to achieve this, geometry is considered to be doorway to achieve all the results. Students who are developing strong concept or intellect in the language of geometry can always excel in advanced topics related to mathematics. Thus, geometry is very important.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Importance of Geometry in Our Daily Life Essay. (2023, Jan 12). Retrieved from

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