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    The House Of Representatives By Alexander Hamilton Essay

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    Alexander Hamilton or James Madison, Federalist NO. 52, “The House of Representatives”, compared to Article I of the Constitution and all of its sections 3

    The House of Representatives by wrote by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Hamilton was the treasury secretary; he called a meeting of all 13 states at Annapolis, Maryland in September 1786 to discuss the economy situation in the country at that time. Hamilton built around a strong and fiscally stable central government. He left the effort to establish the first such bank, Hamilton is regarded as the “ Father of the National Debt” because he felt that national debt was really a “blessing”, Hamilton was killed by Aaron burr in a duel in Weehawken, New jersey, on July 12, 1804. James Madison helped draft Virginias’s state constitution when he was 25. His presidency was marred by the War of 1812 the only war in which U.S. soil was overrun by enemy forces.

    The Unites states of assembly are also the parliament one of the third army of government is branched into two parts, the House of Representatives and the Senate. Both provide an important role in securing the good policies and constitution that shows the citizens aspect are passed. Senate is the highest house is made up of two individuals pattern that every state that are elected by not looking at the how many people are there in the states. The senates have the powers of accepting treaties, picking federal official for particular judges, secretaries and the senior military people.

    The Federalists papers indicate to old days when they were being developed. The federalist’s papers are displaying the action of House and Senate in affiliated to how they were build. The assumptions that administrates how the representatives are elected. How it works, how they play very important roles in the part of establishing of policies. There are various difference and similarities between these two houses. It includes that the senate is directed by the appointing the vice president who will vote if there is a tie.

    The speaker who is voted by the representatives directs the House of Representatives. Senate is built up to 100 senators at the same time the house has about 435 members and the populations they serve decide the number. The senators handle six years terms during the member assist 2 years. Also, having a lot of people means that civilian point of views is strongly described. These extensive numbers are said to prohibit them for learning the solution immediately.

    After all, the senate is made up of less individuals, the senate form a powerful team that is capable to make and approach decisions quickly, because of this senate’s small count makes it more balanced. They are in improved positions to design big and long term relations with different countries. Also, the senator’s handle a longer time, these establish that they will keep responsible for behavior as well as action they have develop.

    Being knowledge of the case, they are consistently been careful of what they will do.

    In the other hand The Representatives present a smaller phrases. That is why, they will not be fierce as the senator, and they will not be everywhere to hold the power. In the federalist’s state that the communities who are selected allow to be governed that has given to the house is not plenty because around that time they have just accepted on different countries cases is restricted. The House of Representatives functions are highly legislative determination. It is because the House of Representatives Numbers allow them to leave common legislation, annually vetoes and creates the amendments. This is a lot more than the senate can do. Hamilton states that senators can deed untrustworthy more because they will oblique along with the president or motivated by the people to a unreasonable conclusions. This is the reason Hamilton does not look why they should be granted to pass perception. However, they are restrained to serving these goals frequently. They can share in the complaint of legislators.

    Senators are committed in the representative’s thing but they will also try all those political all those violations that the senate house has recognized on. Also, it moves as an administrative council to the state. The senate guidance is valuable and necessary so, when president desire to engage with another countries, senate advice them properly.

    Also, if president chose people to the higher commission senate has to agree on the argument. This ability of appealing in foreign alliance is not found inside the house.

    The both have similarities and that is there gender equality is noticed in both of the houses. The act of both is to protect that useful laws are succeed and they are adapt frequently so they can adjust with the developing time. Another relationship house and the senate is that they protect the order of elections and it is mutual as constitution. This is why this is an example that the public elections are administrated with all parties and they are dealing pretty well.

    In the house the banners is carried the entire constitution as legislator are elected in fair style and they show the populations, because the people who vote are the exact people who nominate state legislators and these elections are directed by the states are done in standardized manner. This is reason why the system is equal and shows that federal elections should handle in formal behaviors. It also implement the senate too because it only adequate individually with pervious knowledge in state elements are preferred.

    House and the senate have very power to make good laws that shock the economy with compliments and they feel the freedom of the people. This is as results of earlier bill turn into the law; it has to be certified by max of the House of Representatives and senate. To make sure that they will do their job very well, the hose and senate engaged in numerous meetings where they talk about issues that what our country faced, what and how they need to take care of it they shares their ideas debate the issues that we are facing after that they make a strong decisions and they cast the vote on bills, this is how they fulfill their inherent the rights of the people.

    All in all, the senate existence is treated to be more admirable to the House of Representatives; also, they play very important part in congress as they perfume their job in harmony with other strong government to make sure that the country is sent in the right way. It also shows that there is a balance in the system particularly in the handling of power to make sure that the laws are handle in a good and proper ways without intolerance.

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    The House Of Representatives By Alexander Hamilton Essay. (2019, May 10). Retrieved from

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