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    The Good Evil Transformation – Hamlet Essay

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    Hamlet’s transforms from good to evil in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare. Hamlet experiences a lot of pain and becomes very anger because of his father’s death, his mother’s bad remarriage, and the loss of his only love, Ophelia. The losses that Hamlet has to deal with are the anger and lack of forgiveness build in himself. This allows Hamlet’s true thoughts and character to be revealed through his soliloquies. First, Hamlet reveals his wishes that he could just melt away and be gone; because if he dies, he would be free from the world.

    Hamlet thinks about how is father was a leader and went from a noble king to a king that does not desire to help his people and serve his country. Hamlet loves the power and the fame that is comes with being a king. Hamlet also shows his anger and disbelief with women in general “ Frailty, thy name is women” like his mother and her bad marriage with Clauduis. Hamlet says he is “sick at heart” over his father’s death and his mother’s remarriage. Hamlet finds out that his uncle Clauduis has killed the King, Hamlet’s father.

    The ghost of Hamlet’s father tells him to try and seek evenge against Clauduis who was responsible for the king’s murder. So, Hamlet needs to kill Clauduis to avenge his father’s death. Hamlet must kill his uncle and get his innocent hands full of blood, so he can avenge his father’s death. Hamlet now turns into a deceitful person. He now tries to come up with a plan to kill Clauduis for his crime. Hamlet starts to question his ability to get revenge for his father’s death. He wonders if he is too much of a coward.

    Hamlet starts to think if it is better to live life with the pain of his father’s murder or try o get revenge by killing his uncle Clauduis. Hamlet believes that death is the same as going to sleep, forever. Hamlet thinks if he could go into a deep sleep that would stop all the pain and suffering plus all his sorrow and he would be happy to do it. Hamlet hesitates about taking his own life and falling asleep forever because, he thinks that when he is asleep he will have dreams and the dreams he will be very disturbing to him. For the first time, Hamlet meets his mother in privacy.

    At least that is what he thinks. He starts to discuss his feelings of his mother, but he vows that e will speak daggers, but he will never actually use one. While Hamlet speaks with his mother, someone else is listening to their every word. Polonius has devised a plan to hide himself behind a curtain in the room and listen in on Hamlet and his mother’s conversation to find out if Hamlet has gone mad. Hamlet discovers that there is something behind the curtain. He thinks that it is Clauduis hiding behind the curtains and that he will finally get revenge like the ghost asked him to.

    Hamlet thinks his quest to avenge his father’s death is about to end. But, he is going to find out that it is not true. His ambition gets the best of him, and he does not think correctly. Hamlet kills the great Polonius. Before this event, Hamlet is known to use his intelligence before he commits a task, but this one action seemed to change his fate. He later blames his madness as being responsible for the death of Polonius. Hamlet is now starting to lose his mind. Hamlet now takes time to think of all the events that have just occurred. Everything is not going his way, makes his revenge for his father’s murder very difficult.

    He that hath made us with arge discourse and the incapability of making godlike reason, made us only contain one part wisdom and three parts coward. ” With this, he questions why he still lives to say these words. “Witness this army of such mass and charge, led by a delicate and tender prince, whose spirit, with divine ambition puff’d. ” Hamlet emphasizes how a righteous and pure spirit becomes crushed by ambition, the aspiration of becoming renowned and accepted. “My thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth. ” Hamlet has now revealed his own crisis. A righteous and pure spirit that has been crushed by his longing revenge towards

    Claudius. In Hamlet by Williams Shakespeare, Hamlet’s character is perceived at the beginning of the play as one of virtue and integrity. He becomes a victim of evil and corruptness because he never forgives Claudius for murdering his father and also never forgives his own mother for marrying Claudius. Hamlet’s character transformation is very plain to see in the last line of his last soliloquy “my thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth. ” He allows himself to become someone that prospers off the thought of revenge, and this, ultimately, gets him killed.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    The Good Evil Transformation – Hamlet Essay. (2018, Apr 03). Retrieved from

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