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    Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay – Capulet

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    There are many reasons to the tragedy of William Shakespeare”s Romeo and Juliet. However, the major person to the tragedy of these lovers was Capulet, Juliet”s own father. He brought the death of Juliet by forcing her to marry Paris, separating her from Romeo, and rejecting Juliet”s own decisions.

    One reason Capulet made the situation worse was because he was making Juliet marry Paris, who she did not love and Capulet also separated her from Romeo, who she did love and it because he separated them that caused Juliet to die. Go ask his name. –If he be married. My grave is like to be my wedding bed. [Act 5 Scene1] Juliet wanted Romeo and would die if she could not have him. This contributed to her death because her life wasn”t worth living if she could not have the only person she loved, and he was the person she lived for. And with this knife Ill help it presently.

    God joind my heart and Romeos, thou our hands — and ere this hand, by thee to Romeo seald, Shall be the label to another deed.[Act 6 Scene 4] Separating her from someone that she truly loved was a dangerous act to do because it had influenced her die. Juliet”s description of what she would do if she could not be with Romeo had displayed her true love for him and her intentions of death if she was separated from him. Through out this, Capulet didn”t even consider of what Juliet thought and it hurt Juliet.

    Although Capulet wanted the best for Juliet, he did not give a thought on how she felt and had forced her to marry Paris that caused problems that led to her tragic end. Juliet didn”t want to marry Paris, and because of her own father, Juliet committed suicide to stay with Romeo forever. Of my childs love: I think she will be ruled. In all respects by me — nay, more, I doubt it not.” [Scene 4, Act 3]. Capulet response when Paris asked for Juliet”s hand in marriage is selfish and Capulet did not even assume how Juliet would respond. Then Capulet said “To go with Paris to Saint Peters Church Or I will drag thee on a hurdle thither. [Scene 5 Act 3] Capulet forced Juliet to marry Paris and if Capulet did not do that, Juliet would be happy and she would be alive. Juliet”s arrangement to Paris had brought her death because it had resulted in the potion plan that had caused Romeo and Juliet to die. It was this rejection from Capulet, her own father, which played a crucial part in Juliet”s death.

    It was not hard to see the cause of Juliet”s loss after she was forced to marry someone she didn”t love, and then separated from someone she did love, and rejected by her own father. It was complete unawareness not to be able to separate that Capulet is the one to blame for the loss of Juliet. His relationship with his daughter was one that did not work properly and had caused Juliet pain. In the end, her suffering had led onto her death which had made everyone suffer, including friends and foes.

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    Romeo and Juliet Persuasive Essay – Capulet. (2018, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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