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    Renaissance paintings reviews Essay

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    Holy usuries wore halos to signify their divinity, While hieratic scale is used to indicate their importance. Compare and contrast Cambium’s Madonna Enthroned and Egoistic Assassinate Madonna. What was so innovative about Gusto’s approach, and why was it so significant? Cambium used the Italy-Byzantine style of art with unrealistic depictions and characteristics. U can clearly see that Mar’s face has no real volume with little or no depth within the work All of the Angels faces are very flat 2 dimensional and almost like scratch)ins.

    Her drapery and shape has no real form and she sort of just looks to be set in place. In the Assassinating Madonna, Gusto’s efforts have created a work that has so much humanism to it with detailing and 3 dimensionality to the characters looks. The way he ads depth by adjusting all Of the Angels in place to show space and surround her throne you can clearly see the depth inside her throne and in relation to size you can see Madonna’s figure and shape curving in her throne as well as her drapery that flows very smoothly against her body.

    All together in comes together very gracefully. Describe the subject matter of Gusto’s Lamentation. What specific techniques did Ghetto use to “humanism” the story? When look at this pace of art feel a sense of sadness, trouble and disparity. Everyone in the image is mourning Jesus Christ as he is gently being held by 3 women. Everyone’s hand gestures suggest the worry and heartache that you can assume they are dealing with. The figures in the foreground are clearly human.

    His understanding and appreciation of human form is expressed through free flowing clothing that reveals volumes The textures of the clothing appear soft, and smooth against the contrasting rough bumpy rock surfaces surrounding them. He clearly has made a Statement of separating the look of a human in contract to the Angels floating above who seem more cartoonist. Each persons facial expressions is proven With either lines, wrinkles or kick in their eyes His work is something that he wanted to be stand out and be something that is new and that he would be known for.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Renaissance paintings reviews Essay. (2018, Jun 06). Retrieved from

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