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    Protection of Cyber Dating Abuse

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    Cyber dating abuse (CDA) is becoming a more prominent issue that has not been discussed recently. Social media has become a way for people to harass and abuse other. Cyber dating abuse can consist of sending insulting or threating messages, direct aggression and control, knowingly causing harm to a partner, and spreading rumors about a partner. The types of behaviors whether it is over the phone or in person can cause mental health issues for the victims of the abuser. Erika Borrajo, Manuel Gamez-Guadix, and Esther Calvete authors of “Justification beliefs of violence, myths about love and cyber dating abuse” were effective by grabbing their audience through the use of logic and reasoning, emotion, and character and ethics.

    The logic and reasoning behind the information in the article is that our population including teens and young adults have accepted the justification of violence. Among these young people men defend themselves by defending themselves when they have acted aggressive towards a partner that it was in self-defense. Women tend to act aggressive towards their partner when angry and frustrated. Cyber dating abuse would be harmful to both men and women, although the consequences of these acts of aggression are more harmful to women because women seem to mistake the abuse as a form of love. More then 80% of young people were involved in control behaviors toward their partner, and 20% were involved in some type of online aggressive behavior (Almendros, Gamez-Guadix, Carrobles, Rodriguez-Carballeiras, and Porrua, 2009; Corral and Calvete, 2006, page 331). Common types of the abuse seem to be justified by a warped view of love in a relationship. Online control tends to be one of the most used forms of abuse, this is when your partner is constantly checking where you are, who you are with, and what you are doing. Adolescents often have distorted views of love such as seeing that jealousy is proof that your partner loves you or that you can mistreat someone you love.

    The authors in this article are sympathetic to the people stuck in the abusive relationships. They have found that people in the relationships don’t recognize the abuse they see it as a form of love. The majority of the studies show that men and women use different types of aggression in relationships. In this article it only has a little bit of pathos and lack the rest. Most of the research in this article is a study showing logos and ethos. It shows factual data and statistics from the experiments. The authors don’t show an emotional tone for the people within these said relationships. This research shows little to no words or passages used to activate emotions.

    The authors in this article build credibility and trustworthiness through studies done. Different authors noted different beliefs about love seen as another risk factor that may develop traditional violence in relationships. These authors have written many other articles about human behavior. In this research they wrote “80% of young people agreed with distorted beliefs about love” (Ferrer Et. Al. page 328). Esther Calvete does stress research and has a Ph.D. Manuel Gamez-Gaudix does studies about cross-culture of problematic internet use and depressive symptoms among adolescents and Erika Borrajo is within the faculty of psychology and education and has a Ph.D. These said authors are a creditable source and all have professional formats. The authors in this article are expressing their views on the issue.

    The article Justification beliefs of violence, myths about love and cyber dating abuse uses mostly logos and ethos, but has a small amount of pathos worked into it. The research in this was helpful to make a point on how social media can turn a relationship abusive. Statistics such that the study has found “30% of younger adolescents strongly agreed with the myth of a perfect partner, while more than 70% agreed that love conquer all” (Ferrer Et. Al. page 328). In conclusion, younger people don’t realize when they are in a toxic relationship because it is mistaken for love. Cyber dating abuse needs to be stopped and social media just makes it worse. This source would be helpful and fit into a research paper because of the amount of logos used in it.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Protection of Cyber Dating Abuse. (2021, Aug 24). Retrieved from

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