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    lord of the rings Persuasive Essay

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    The Two Towers Main Characters- Frodo Baggins, a hobbit, the main character of the story, the bearer of the evil ring, sent to destroy it in the fires of Mount Doom. He is very strong, but has trouble sometimes making choices, and sometimes makes wrong ones, wields Sting the dagger of his Uncle Bilbo Baggins. Samwise Gamzee, a hobbit, Frodos companion on his journey to destroy the ring, he is always looking out for Frodo, to help him in any way he can, wields a dagger, sword to him.

    Pippin Took, a hobbit, Frodos constant companion until captured by the Orcs, with Merry, and finally escape, and find the Ents, and go to defeat Saruman. Merry, a hobbit, Frodos constant companion until captured by the Orcs, with Pippin, and finally escape, and find the Ents, and go to defeat Saruman. Gandalf the white, the wizard on the journey helps make most of the decisions until he, and Frodo are split up, then goes after Saruman to defeat him, and his tower, wields a great wizard staff. Aragorn heir to the king of Gondor, Frodos companion until they are split up, then goes after Pippin, and Merry to save them, and after he finds them helps Gandalf defeat Saruman, wields broken sword restored which helped defeat Sauron. Legalos, a young elf, rides with Aragorn and Gimli through the book to help with what he can, wields a bow. Gimli, a dwarf, who goes with Aragorn, and then with Gandalf, he wields an axe, and will fight to the death.

    Gollum- A once man corrupted by the ring, now seeks it and its bearer, but agrees to help them on there way to destroy the rings, but he doesnt know there going to destroy it Main Conflict- The main conflict in this story is, for Frodo, Sam, and Gollum is to get the evil ring of Sauron to Mount Doom. To throw it in the eternal fire, which is the only place the ring, can be destroyed, but they have to travel through Gondor the evil land that Sauron has taken over. Through Emyn Muil, the Dead Marshes, around Saurons Black Riders, and Gate, to Mount Doom, and destroy the ring. For the other party in the story, their goal is to stop Saruman, and his army. First they get the help from Rohan, and its king.

    Then they travel for the dark tower, but they are slowed down by the millions of Orcs and corrupt men sent by Saruman. After many days of fighting, and many deaths they move onto the tower, to find its outer wall destroyed, all the guards that were left behind dead, and the holes where the Orcs worked flooded, by the tree people the Ents. Climax- The climax of this story is at the end of the first book, in this book (The book contains books 3 & 4, which separates the two parties and there dealings. ), when the two armies are fighting, and the Orcs sneak in through an underground ditch.

    Then they seal it up, but again they sneak through it again, but are defeated again. Although the Rohan army wins, they had hardly any archers, unlike the Orcs with there poison tipped, black feathered arrows. For a while I almost thought, that they were going to loose, but they prevailed. Resolution- The resolution, the main conflict doesnt come in this book it comes in the next.

    But I will give you the resolution to the battle at the Dark Tower. Gandalf, Aragorn, Legalos, the King, and Gimli, walk up to Sarumans door, and knock on it. When Saruman comes to the door, he looks like a withered old man, but he has this voice could hypnotize anyone. But they prevail through it, and Gandalf rips on him, and sends him out of the great council of the wizards, and breaks his staff, with his, and Saruman falls to his knees and crawls back into the tower.

    His servant, Wormtongue, throws out of his tower a seeing sphere, and they retrieve it and leave. Plot- The plot of the story is for Frodo, Sam, and Gollum is to get the evil ring of Sauron to Mount Doom. To throw it in the eternal fire, which is the only place the ring, can be destroyed, but they have to travel through Gondor the evil land that Sauron has taken over. Through Emyn Muil, the Dead Marshes, around Saurons Black Riders, and Gate, to Mount Doom, and destroy the ring.

    The plot for the other party is to stop Saruman, and his army. First they get the help from Rohan, and its king. Then they travel for the dark tower, but they are slowed down by the millions of Orcs and corrupt men sent by Saruman.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    lord of the rings Persuasive Essay. (2019, Jan 24). Retrieved from

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