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    Influence of Industrial Revolution on Society

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    The Industrial Revolution began in England from the early 1800’s to the mid 1900’s taking place in Europe. During this period people experienced many changes that had an impact on their lives. Some of the changes benefited some countries and caused harm within the other countries and their society. Before the revolution, society revolved around farming and agriculture. There were many developments occured during the Industrial Revolution such as technical advance, development of transport, trade, and employment opportunities because of new financial structures. All of these achievements happened spontaneously and not planned. Economy made a big change and it gave many opportunities for people to gain wealth as well as social growth. In this essay, I will discuss the impact of The Industrial Revolution and how it all started in England spreading to other European countries causing some countries to industrialize and other countries that did not industrialize . I will also analyze ways in which the Industrial Revolution influenced every aspect of society such as, urbanization, romantism and socialism.

    When the Industrial Revolution first began, it started in England about 1750 and goes on for about 100 years. There are a few reasons why it began in England. Before you industralize, you have to have surplus food. In the Middle Ages, people used the “Three Field System,” means unused land, to keep the land fertile. The Three Field System was used to grow food and the third field was left alone to rest and get it’s nutrients. Basically, they used ⅔ of the land. The ⅓ of a land they would use for grazing land for the animals. For the poor farmers they had a common small area to produce extra food. This system worked for a while, but eventually there was change in the law. In England, they created the “Enclosure Movement,” and that means to close off the land, fencing it in. The common land was gone and the grazing land was gone. It really hurt the farmers who was left with very little land because they could no longer keep their land fertile and space to graze the animals. So, the rich land owners ended up kicking people off their land.

    So, What they ended up doing was making more money in larger bigger farms, and a lot of the small farmers got kicked off the land. These larger plots ended up becoming more productive, which was called “The Agricultural Revolution.” This revolution let the people use all of the land, all the time which helped produce more food. In addition, not only was there more food on the land, but also invented a new technology like the seed drill. The Seed Drill was another way were the farm becomes more effective and efficient producing more food, which brings more people. The population ends up growing and the farmers in the country, ended up moving to the city despirate for work.

    The Agricultural Revolution made England a richer country bringing in larger farms and higher yield crops. The Agricultural Revolution brought in more food, population growth, and lower demand for agriculture workers. Reason number two was workers. Like I was saying in the first paragraph, the poor farmers ended up moving to the city desprate for work and they came by the boat load. In Manchester, their population was a start of 35,000 to 353,000 people. Manchester grew rapidly and was famous because of it’s cool climate was the ideal for textile production. Another city with a larger population growth was Birmingham, with a start of 23,000 to 183,000 migrats.

    When the population starts moving from the rural areas and start moving to the urban areas that process is called urbanization. This massive movement signified a huge transitional period for the United States. From the countries to the cities, the nation saw the beginning of a major social change. People began to migrate and overcrowding quickly became a problem. During the Rising of urban population problems, tenement houses were established and was easy and cheap to build. There were building divided up into apartments for families to live in so they could sleep and have somewhere to live. There also were other things invented like the steam engine by James Watt, which powerd factories and ships. The steam engine used coal and iron both in the construction as fuel increasing demand for these resources. Roads and railways changed Britain dramatically for the people. For example, in countries like China did not industrialize or gain population growth because they never turned their scientific achievements to economic growth. A better answer is that China’s culture didn’t change during the Industrial revolution times.

    Continuing, China culture was not independent of politicial and institutional circumstances. In the 12th century, China remains a unified empire ran by a single by a single Mandarin bureaucracy. As for in Europe, no one ever succeds in unifying they have continous competition. To have progress you want a system that is competitve, not only one that is dominated by a single power. Now lets discuss how Romantism also effected the Industrial Revolution in many ways.

    Romantism arose in Britain during the 19th century, is an artistic movement dehumaning an impact of industrialism and modernity. Romantics celebrated emotions, pre-occupied beauty, what is art, and was ocuppied by eternal mysteries. It is basically a reaction to the birth of the modern world and its reactions. This brought a lot of changes at the time that the romantic poets began writing. Many of the poets were political radicals. One of most popular poets William Wordworth was against oppression, both witin the country and outside of it. Wordworth wrote about world’s nature things like daffodils, trees, butterflies, and rivers. His work charmed and seduced Europe, he even write abidding hatred from everything mechanical and industrial.

    A train was a symbol of Wordsworth technology that was rerouted. He also focused on the poor and common people using ordinary words to express his common feelings. He took words and gave them worth. His famous work was,”I wandered lonely as a cloud.” William played a major role for people to understand the world for what it really is. Lastly, lets talk about how The Industrial Revolution lead to socialism. After the Industrial Revolution a lot of people lost the independence of their lives and work. People started working at unregulated factory systems at specific timing and different ways. Which let them with no control over their lives and work, which also means they made very little money.

    So that’s what started socialism amoungst people. Before changes were made, middle and upper class were exploiting the lower class in the Communist Manifesto. Karl Marx was very important during the 19th century. He was concerned with freedom and how can people be free and focused on impoverished industrial workers. The Communist Manifesto was written by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels. The Manifesto was a history of class structure and outlining societies class. Life in Europe in America during Industrial Revolution was getting rough for people and workers, which even caused violence. Karl Marx contribution to sociology was huge because he was one of the first social philosophers to create an image of how power operates in a capatalist society. Through the process of labour gives rises to social class.

    The Industrial Revolution was shaped people like Karl Marx to understand ways in which human educate themeselves and to speak up about the unequal acquisition of capital. Distinctive types of financial frameworks were additionally made because of industrialization, which incorporate free enterprise and socialism. With new progressions in innovation, medication, and transportation, Britain and other created nations could colonize different places on the planet. As horticultural upset was presented, the proficiency in cultivating was enhanced. Additionally, it wound up a standout amongst the most ground-breaking nations on the planet with its huge increment in farming efficiency, and economy. Although a few historians contend that the entire Industrial Revolution was not reasonable, the Industrial Revolution brought about proficiently created products and the Enclosure Movement, and the fenced in area development, which in the long run kept Britain from the Malthusian Catastrophe.

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    Influence of Industrial Revolution on Society. (2021, Aug 27). Retrieved from

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