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    Impact of Coronavirus on Global World

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    In late December 2019, a previous unidentified coronavirus, presently named because the 2019 novel coronavirus, emerged from Wuhan, China, and resulted in a powerful outbreak in many cities in China and expanded globally, such as Thailand, Republic of Korea, Japan, United States, Philippines, Viet Nam, and our country. The sickness is officially named as Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19, via WHO on February 11, 2020). The purpose of this study is to discuss about corona virus (COVID-19) that become life threaten to everyone. What are the organizational characteristics shown up during this crisis? Then, also discussed about decisions is take to overcome this crisis. Communication network plays very important role between higher authorities and citizen. What is the communication network contributes during this pandemics? The leadership quality is very important to make a country become successful so without a leader it is impossible to stop the spreading of Covid-19.


    Coronaviruses are a collection of enveloped viruses with non-segmented, unmarried-stranded, and wonderful-experience RNA genomes. Apart from infecting an expansion of economically essential vertebrates (consisting of pigs and chickens), six coronaviruses had been known to contaminate human hosts and reason respiration sicknesses. Among them, excessive acute respiration syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East respiration syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) are zoonotic and fairly pathogenic coronaviruses which have led to local and international outbreaks Coronaviruses possess a unique morphology, the name being derived from the outer fringe, or coronal of embedded envelope protein. Members of the circle of relatives Coronaviridae motive a large spectrum of animal and human illnesses.

    Uniquely, replication of the RNA genome proceeds through the generation of a nested set of viral mRNA molecules. Human coronavirus (HCoV) infection causes respiration illnesses with mild to excessive effects. In the ultimate 15 years, we’ve got witnessed the emergence of zoonotic, tremendously pathogenic HCoVs: intense acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East breathing syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV). Replication of HCoV is regulated by using a diversity of host factors and induces drastic changes in cell shape and physiology.

    Coronavirus, precise as 2019-nCoV, emerged in Wuhan, China, at the cease of 2019. At the start level, as a minimum 830 instances have been diagnosed in 9 international locations such as China, Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan, Nepal, and the US. Twenty-six fatalities occurred, especially in sufferers who had extreme underlying contamination. Although many details of the emergence of this virus which includes its beginning and its potential to spread among people remain unknown, increasingly more instances appear to have resulted from human-to-human transmission.

    China replied quick through informing the World Health Organization (WHO) of the outbreak and sharing sequence information with the international network after discovery of the causative agent. The WHO replied swiftly via coordinating diagnostics development; issuing steerage on affected person monitoring, specimen series, and treatment; and presenting up to date records on the outbreak. Several countries inside the place as well as the United States are screening travellers from Wuhan for fever, aiming to discover 2019-nCoV instances earlier than the virus spreads in addition. Updates from China, Thailand, Korea, and Japan imply that the sickness related to 2019-nCoV appears to be incredibly slight compared with SARS and MERS.

    Coronaviruses make up a large family of viruses that could infect birds and mammals, along with people, in keeping with world health business enterprise (WHO). These viruses had been accountable for numerous outbreaks around the sector, which includes the severe acute respiration syndrome (SARS) pandemic of 2002-2003 and the Middle East respiration syndrome (MERS) outbreak in South Korea in 2015. Most lately, a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2, additionally known as COVID-19) prompted a plague in China in December 2019, sparking worldwide problem. While a few coronaviruses have brought about devastating pandemics, others cause slight to mild breathing infections, just like the common cold.

    The symptom of coronavirus are bloodless or flu like signs and symptoms generally set in from 2–four days after a coronavirus infection and are commonly mild. However, symptoms vary from character-to-character, and a few varieties of the virus may be deadly. The other signs include are sneezing, runny nose, cough, watery diarrhoea, fever in rare cases, sore throat and exacerbated allergies.

    As a private safety and additionally to prevent infected from coronavirus, everybody must wash hand regularly, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, very well cooking meat and eggs. Avoid near touch with all of us showing symptoms of breathing illness such as coughing and sneezing. Although this virus spread quicker and took many humans life, nevertheless some irresponsible people never take this coronavirus severely.

    Coronavirus (Covid-19) is threatening livelihoods as well as lives. The covid-19 outbreak is a typical public health emergency. The rapid spread has not only affected the lives of hundreds of millions of families, but it has also disrupted the pace of economic and social development, resulting in incalculable economic and social losses. So, some resolution has been taken by authorities to overcome this pandemic. While overcoming this crisis some organizational characteristic has been shown up.


    This section review some journal that specify the organizational characteristic.

    2.1 Decision making

    Decision making is that the process of identifying aand selecting alternatives based on the values preference and beliefs of the decision maker. Decision making is as a fundamental function in management. Decision making reflects the success and failure of managers and the organization mainly hinges upon the quality of decisions . Most of scholars in management emphasize that decision making is a process. This process includes a group of procedures or steps which begins with a definition of problem or opportunity and ends with the achievement of objectives(Elayyan & Shra, 2015).

    Decision-making is the process whereby an individual, group or organization reaches conclusions about what future actions to pursue given a set of objectives and limits on available resources. This process will be often iterative, involving issue-framing, intelligence-gathering, coming to conclusions and learning from experience(Russo, 2017).

    2.2 Communication Network

    Communication network is refer to the social structure created through communication between individual and groups. Articulating or operationalizing the social environment within which technologies are implemented-communication networks, the interaction patterns that surround the adoption and use of media(Contractor, 2015).

    A communication network (or social network) is a personal or professional set of relationships (e.g. friendships, trusts, hates, email exchanges, trade, financial exchanges etc.) between individuals or organizations(Taylor, 2012).

    2.3 Leadership

    Leadership is one of the key determinants associated with the success and failure of any organization. Leadership style is the manner in which people are directed and motivated by a leader to achieve organizational goals(Hasan & Khajeh, 2018). Effective leadership is essential in managing change and change is the only method to sustain the organization in the current business environment. As usual, change is hard for people, people will feel uncomfortable because of change and even sometimes deny the change, continue as they are and be eliminated by the society.

    Therefore, leadership can be a factor to motivate and encourage people to continuously make change and push them to change. Leadership plays a role in an organization to motivate and encourage the employees to change in order for the organization to be able to sustain and adapt to the business environment, to make sure the organization will improve and be innovative(Hao & Yazdanifard, 2015).


    Coronaviruses are a big own family of viruses which may additionally purpose infection in animals or people. In humans, several coronaviruses are acknowledged to purpose respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to extra severe sicknesses together with Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The most recently found coronavirus causes coronavirus diseases COVID-19. COVID-19 is the infectious diseases due to the most currently determined coronavirus. This new virus and disorder have been unknown earlier than the outbreak commenced in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. COVID-19 is now a virus affecting many countries globally.

    To overcome this crisis, the government is needed to make decision fast in a short duration, and efficiently coordinate the department of labour and cooperation at all levels and departments in the administrative device. Besides, the government also need to work with the Medical care establishments, hospitals, different associated non-public sector, non-profit agencies, as well as network members. It must growth public awareness of spread of the pandemic without generating panic and suspend certain economics and social activities whilst ensuring that every one of the basic living and human and material desires are met. Some of decision the company took are instructed the workers stay at home and work (WFH) to avoid face to face contact. Even though they are stay at home, their working time as same as they are working at office.

    During MCO period, face to face communication among humans or teacher- students or manager –employee end up rare. Some of communication network used during this time are on-line conferences, and taking complete gain of teleconferencing generation supplied which includes Google and Zoom. Since the Movement Control Order took effect on 18 March 2020 as a preventive measure to manipulate the spread of the COVID-19 outbreak, mass media turn out to be most crucial communication network these days. Mass media unfold actual news to people immediately. At the identical time, social media and textual content messaging platforms have visible increased postings, photos and articles regarding the order. This includes information enforcement operations or the COVID-19 virus itself, which includes alleged treatments or different approaches to save getting infected. While technology makes it easy to share those “news”, some Malaysians now not conscious about clicking “share” or “send” as the spreading or sharing of unverified/fake news. . Fake news are being spread easily through communication by ignorant people even though the government take effort to provide original news to citizen.

    During this pandemic the sacrifice of a leader or Prime minister (PM) and their leadership quality for our country cannot be forgotten and need to be appreciated. The leader’s primary obligation is to keep the people safe, cohesive and effective. Therefore, the leadership possibility right now could be making remote work more powerful to conquer this crisis. Leader or prime minister become ultimate responsibility of how well Malaysians will eventually come out of this pandemic. Leader make a few techniques to cope with critical health, economic and social problems brought about by means of the pandemic, together with the imposition of the Movement Control Order (MCO). Under the MCO, non-essential government and sector services were ordered closed, mass movements and gatherings prohibited, and strong recommendation given for Malaysians to stay at home. Without leader, it is difficult for people to address this crisis.


    In conclusion, most country around the world have seen instances of COVID-19 and lots of are experiencing outbreaks. Authorities in China and some other country have succeeded in slowing their outbreaks. However, the state of situation remains unpredictable.

    Making proper decision is very important during this pandemic. For example, Government’s correct diplomatic ties with other nation have benefited in getting the equipment and medical needed. To a few extent, excellent practices are also shared applied. If failed make proper decision, cases of COVID-19 will increase.

    The communication network also playing important role during this pandemic by way of spreading the original information to humans via live news in TV, online news and etcetera. However, some other communication network spreading fake data. Spreading fake information is equally as dangerous as spreading the virus itself.

    The government is fighting the Covid-19 spread in Malaysia in a weather that is nonetheless an advantage for the virus. As leader or Prime Minister commenced early in installing place a movement control order (MCO) to lessen this virus. If there is no leadership, the controlling of COVID-19 is impossible.

    Other than that as a citizen also responsible to overcome the Covid-19 so practicing hand and respiratory hygiene is important at all times and is the best way to protect others. Some simple precautious can be taken to reduce the probabilities of being infected or spreading COVID-19 are regularly and thoroughly clean hand with an alcohol-primarily based hand rub or wash them with soap and water. Washing hands with cleaning soap and water or the use of alcohol-based totally hand rub kills viruses. Maintain at the least 1 metre distance from others. When someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks they spray small liquid droplets from their nostril or mouth which may additionally incorporate virus. If live too close, can breathe within the droplets, such as the COVID-19 virus if the character has the disorder.

    Then, people should avoid going to crowded places. Where people come collectively in crowds, much more likely to return into close touch with someone that has COVID-19 and its miles more difficult to maintain physical distance of 1 metre. People have to keep away from touching eyes, nose and mouth. Hands touch many surfaces and might select up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can switch the virus to eyes, nostril or mouth. From there, the virus can input frame and infect. When cough or sneeze cover mouth and nose with bent elbow or tissue. Then remove the used tissue right now and wash palms. Droplets spread virus.

    People should stay at home and self-isolate even with minor signs along with cough, headache, moderate fever, until recover. If need to leave the house, put on a masks to keep away from infecting others. Avoiding touch with others will shield them from possible COVID-19 and other viruses.

    People could make huge impact by way of complying with orders of the government and stop this virus further addition proliferating within and beyond the border.

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    Impact of Coronavirus on Global World. (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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