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    IMC Plan of Melo Fruitti Ice Cream Report

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    The purpose of this report is to prepare an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) plan for Melo Fruitti Company, which offers healthy and organic ice cream. The company always uses natural ingredients, for instance, the chocolate tree, fresh fruits, natural fruit flavors, skim milk and so on.

    In addition, low sugar, less than 2% of fats, 0% trans-fats, and flavor without any artificial color or taste are the key characteristics of Melo Fruiti ice cream products.

    Melo Fruitti Ice Cream will start its business operation from Kuala Lumpur and surrounding urban areas in order to gain competitive advantages of first mover with healthy fruits ice cream products.

    However, this company will use IMC plan to create brand awareness, influence the target customers to purchase its products, aware the health conscious people about the positive factors of this brand and the difference between the products of Melo Fruitti and competitors’ products.

    However, this plan will focus on the key objectives, such as, Develop of brand image, reach break-even point, aware customers about food ingredients, provide expansion plan, and create of brand awareness to the target audience within a specific period.

    In addition, this report will concentrate on the MC functions along with objectives and budgets of these tools such as the marketer of Melo Fruitti Ice Cream will use AU$1.5 million IMC budget for sales promotion, advertising, one-to-one marketing, direct marketing, public relations and building brands etc.

    At the same time, the IMC plan of Melo Fruitti ice cream will also discuss target audience, “Foote, Cone, Belding” Strategy Planning Model, provide media plan with key messages, break-down of budget plan, slogan for the IMC campaign, evaluation, and so on.

    IMC plan of Melo Fruitti ice cream will mainly target the people of Kuala Lumpur and surrounding urban areas as they have vast disposable income to spend on consumer products and this campaign will divide the market into three segments like Kids, Adults and Health conscious customers considering consumer behavior, demographics, and psychographic factors.

    Melo Fruitti ice cream is a new product in the market and it needs to reach target market; therefore, IMC campaign could be an effective tool to create brand image and value to the mind of target customers.

    However, this campaign can easily influence and convey message to the customers using IMC program as Melo Fruitti offers wide range of unique ice cream flavors, and non-fattening- an organic ice-cream.

    At the same time, this IMC campaign will be able to attract large health conscious customers who always bother with food ingredients, obesity and other related issues because it uses no artificial colors and contains less that 2% of fats and 0% trans-fats.

    In addition, this company provides healthy ice cream products along with allergen free ingredients, for instance, peanuts. On the other hand, this company will enjoy first mover advantage and able to be market leader since Melo Fruitti is the first company, which provides all these advantages at the same time.

    Here, it is important to mention that Melo Fruitti ice cream needs to select cost effective multimedia marketing strategy, as the budget of the company for promotional activities is not adequate.

    In this context, the marketer of Melo Fruitti ice cream can concentrate more on the use of social networking sites to attract adult target customers since these sites are popular to the young people.

    This IMC campaign will create strong appeal on the target audience and regular internet users and it will assist to developing local culture to the foreign customers because they like to taste new flavored ice cream in different countries.

    Melo Fruitti ice cream should conduct IMC campaign as it is one of the most effective the procedure of maximizing customer’s values by means of concurrent marketing activities, integrating proper management of customer’s knowledge and information to maintaining long-term relation with them and increase demands of the products in Malaysian market.

    However, this is an effective IMC campaign plan as the media plan of this report suggests Melo Fruitti ice cream company to using popular social marketing sites like Facebook, Youtube, twitter and other sites to create brand image of the company and increase profit.

    This campaign will be able to meet the objectives of the company because the marketers of Melo Fruitti ice cream have properly organized the budget for IMC campaign and used fund for all kinds of selected promotional activities.

    In addition, this IMC plan has designed considering business environment, geographical advantages, economic condition of the target audience, strength, and weakness of the company and this project.

    On the other hand, this plan will meet the objectives of the company because the marketers of the company have research on the competitors’ campaign strategies, ingredients of the products of rivals, and the budget to implement their IMC plans.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    IMC Plan of Melo Fruitti Ice Cream Report. (2023, Jan 14). Retrieved from

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