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    How Coronavirus pandemic has affected my personal life

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    A consuming theme for the present world is the Coronavirus pandemic. A pandemic is a huge scope episode of irresistible illness that can expand dreariness and mortality over a wide geographic territory. It likewise has an awful effect on worldwide economy, wellbeing, condition, social and political disturbances. Coronavirus pandemic has carried the world to a stop. It has become a bad dream for everybody around the globe and the equivalent goes for me. This pandemic has changed everybody’s very own life too.

    Here’s how this pandemic has affected my life:

    1. Fear of the unknown: Self-segregation or social lockdown has given me horrendous pressure, disarray and anger. All of this are exacerbated in view of the dread of disease, dread of losing life, dread of having restricted access to provisions of necessities, dread of the lacking of our wellbeing framework and the dread of deficient data and recognizing.
    2. Social distancing: It has incited philanthropic practices, in part of me due to a feeling that all the individuals around the globe are in this together. Be that as it may, it likewise builds fatigue and worry about gaining weight in me. In addition, it beautifully affects me and that is by not going out and not being mingled I possess discovered more energy for family and for my side interests.
    3. Education: This pandemic has affected my learning process badly because of the closure of the university. Though the university has decided to teach online but due to bad internet connection and mental stress it was a failed program for me.
    4. Spiritual growth: .This pandemic has made me accepting more in the intensity of the all-powerful Allah.

    Lessons that should be taken from Coronavirus for individual as well as national level:

    1. We are more interconnected than ever before and there is no going back. We have no choice but to act in ways that ensure our whole planetary organism is healthy. Any sickness ripples through the whole.
    2. The quality of political governance and leadership make all the difference. It determines whether a society is going forwards or backwards.
    3. A healthy society requires universal civic engagement on everyone’s part in order to foster the trust needed between citizen, government, media, institutions of knowledge and business.
    4. We can no longer ignore that basic minimums for all need to be met; a social safety net that includes healthcare, access to services and a stake in the economy. This is both to give a chance to flourish and protect them.
    5. As much as we think, we humans are masters, nature rules.

    Policy advice following two aspects of political science:

    Political economy:

    The spread of the Corona infection was the most genuine worldwide emergency undermining the planet. In the event that turmoil is the trait of universal relations that have been engraved by the pragmatist hypothesis as per the speculations of Hobbes, Morgenthau, Kenneth Waltz, and Mearsheimer , which were titles of exemplary authenticity, auxiliary authenticity, hostile authenticity, and new great authenticity, all of which stressed that contention as opposed to collaboration is the thing that describes global relations. Just as the reactions coordinated at neolibralism for overlooking human and good law based measurements and human needs in favor the private part.. The worldwide reliance and significance of group and multilateral methodologies has been accentuated. In the event that the pre-pandemic world won’t exist, pandemic will reshape the world less competition, progressively universal co-activity ,the human help will play as increasingly viable delicate force instrument in international strategy. The fact of the matter is the world will never be equivalent to after coronavirus.

    China has become the world’s medication bureau , carrying fundamentally required types of gear to battling countries, for example, Italy and France in wartime style. This crisis is not bound by its effects and ways of confronting it within the national borders, but rather in the global space. It is a global war on pandemic on the one hand,and test of humanity on the other. The solidarity at national and global levels is essential. Betting on placing blame, charges against, on the party that caused the pandemic will not solve the tragedy, but rather complicate it,and what is required is knowing the whole truth to avoid the occurrence in the future. The globalization has suffered a setback specially in economic globalization, however , great.

    The world faces a common enemy, so the redefinition of the local interest should be reoriented in a vision that the interests of countries today cannot be achieved in isolation from the interest of the others since all countries of the world participate in countering the threats resulting from cross- border, such as epidemics and the climate change. Although this disease is socialized in its global invasion , it is not acceptable to deal with it in romance through political make -up in the face of the duality of life and death. The serum of realism provides solutions to all countries and peoples, far from the theatrical concept of politics, while the problem of utopian political ideas remains that the do not start from the tangible reality on the ground , but rather searches for should be.

    International relationship:

    The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced worldwide relations and caused strategic strains. The political relations have been influenced because of the strains around exchange and transport of drugs, indicative tests and clinic hardware for coronavirus sickness 2019. Leaders of certain nations have blamed different nations for not containing the illness viably and bringing about the uncontrolled spread of the virus. Developing countries in Latin America and Africa can’t discover enough materials for testing for coronavirus malady, halfway in light of the fact that different nations in Europe and the United States and outspending the resources. However, I think that the combination of the concepts is necessary to get out of the crisis

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    How Coronavirus pandemic has affected my personal life. (2021, Aug 19). Retrieved from

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