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    Hamlet’s Delay with Revenge Essay

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    Delay stalked Hamlet and his scheme to murder his rival, uncle, and deemed father, Claudius. Hamlet’s visiting with the ghost in Act I, Scene V, included multiple challenges and tasks applied to Hamlet by the ghost. “Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder. ” Hamlet vows a fast and swift revenge, however encounters experiences and ways that delay his destiny to avenge his fathers death. In the end, Hamlet fulfills his goal and takes revenge on his father’s death and murder.

    Hamlet’s character shows much discouragement, earnestness, and sensitivity towards his new found sorrows. Being a religious man, Hamlet forsakes the plan too kill himself for reasons of confusion, guilt, and terror towards suicide. He instead removes this idea and the worries about his father’s death, his mother’s quick marriage, and his uncle’s robbing of his mother and the crown. For his new father all he must say to describe his juxtaposed thoughts is “A little more than kin, and less than kind.

    “(I, ii, 64). And of course Hamlet cannot match his peer-rivals Laertes and Fortinbras in the area of killing. He is too much involved in lucid Owad 2thoughts too find will to kill. In Acts II and III, critics argue, two months have passed from the death of the king. Hamlet finds himself involved in plotting a play. He had been brooding for two months thus far.

    He designs the actors speak the verses directly to the King, Claudius. This action by Hamlet serves him well, the play mimicking the lives of the royal family, and Claudius is greeted with guilt and solemn grief. “How smart a lash that speech doth give my conscience!”(III,1,49) He flees to a place of worship and repents. “O heavy burden!”(III,1,54) Hamlet conveys this and halts on his terms of revenge on him. Hamlet then goes and speaks with his mother, for she has summoned him.

    He then kills Polonius being mistaken for Claudius. “How now ? A rat? Dead for a ducat,/dead!”(III,iv,24-25) This further dampens Hamlets plans. In Act IV Hamlet is now sent away to England by the king. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern have taken up the job of seeing that he makes it there. Hamlet intercepts a message that orders his death and plans the death’s of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. These courses of actions have set back Hamlet indefinitely.

    Hamlet succeeds in Act V after he returns to Denmark. The king and Laertes, whose sister just had just parished, have plotted a mission to kill Hamlet once and for all. Hamlet realizes unfair play, yet he accepts the challenge of the duel between himself and Laertes. Including the fact that Hamlet has no plan in Owad 3The anticipation of the duel.

    The plot of the story thickens here. Gertrude is deceased, because of the poison meant for Hamlet. Both Laertes and Hamlet have been struck by the poison foil. Realizing his own inevitable death, Hamlet thrusts the sword into Claudius and forces him to drink the poison wine. “Here thou incestuous murd’rous, damned Dane, /Drink off this potion.

    Is thy union here?/Follow my mother. “(V,ii,326-339) Ultimately Hamlet has succeeded, however he had lost his life in the process of avenging his father’s death. Many factors had delayed Hamlet and his revenge on his father’s death. Yet in the conclusion of the play he finally succeeds in the task given to him by the ghost in Act I.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Hamlet’s Delay with Revenge Essay. (2019, Jan 09). Retrieved from

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