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    Gore vs bush Essay (781 words)

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    Category:Social IssuesPaper Title:gore vs.

    bushText:Gore vs. BushForeign PolicyCHINABush would like to redefine the relationship between China and the UnitedStates to become one of competitors, not partners. Both Bush and Gore feel thatthe free market will most likely produce more individual freedom in China and healso supports increased trade with them. They also agree on defending Taiwanagainst aggression from the mainland, supporting the One-China Policy that hasdefined our relationship with them for a number of years. Gore believes thatchina should be encouraged to be a prosperous society by inducting them intovarious international institutions. He also feels that the U.

    S. should be amediator between China and Taiwan. RUSSIABush opposes any further monetary assistance to Russia from the InternationalMonetary Fund because he says he fears that government officials will pocket themoney. Gore says he supports providing financial assistance to the Russiangovernment so that they can become a free market democracy. He feels that bothRussias and Chinas threat to the U. S.

    is in their weaknesses, not theirstrength. Richard Nixon also argued this point. MIDDLE EAST / ISRAELGore and Bush both agree that the Israeli-Palestinian peace process needs tobe moved forward. Bush says that the U. S.

    embassy should be moved from Tel-Avivto Jerusalem and he wants to work at re-establishing weapons inspection in Iraq. Gore vows to keep working with U. S. allies so Saddam Hussein isolated and toeventually get him out of power. He also said he would use military forcesagainst Iraq if it ever became necessary. AFRICABoth Bush and Gore feel that free trade will aid in building democracy andeconomic development in struggling Third World Countries.

    Gore supports debtforgiveness to the poorest of these nations and Western aid to help in stoppingthe spread of HIV/AIDS in Central and Southern Africa. OTHERBoth Bush and Gore support the Good Friday Accord in Northern Ireland, whichcalls for both sides to lay down arms. Gore wants to assist dialogue betweenNorth Korea and South Korea, and India and Pakistan. Bush wants to increasetrade and investment with India making it a secure force in Asia and aidAustralia with its peacekeeping efforts in east Timor.

    MilitaryBoth candidates are in favor of increasing the pay for military personaland also for increasing benefits. Gore wants to enhance military readiness bymaintaining a strong force, which will result from increased training. Bushfeels that morale is low in the military. Medicare Drug PlansCOSTBushs Medicare Drug Plan will cost him roughly $ 158 billion over the nextten years. Gores plan will cost him $ 253 billion over the next ten years.

    LOW INCOME SENIORSBoth Bushs and Gores plans for low-income seniors will take effectimmediately. Bushs plan includes free prescription drugs for seniors thatearn up to 135% of the poverty level, or $11300 for a single person. He willgive partial coverage for seniors that earn up to 175% of the poverty level, or$14600 for a single person. Gores plans for free prescription drugs are thesame as Bushs. However, Gore will give partial coverage for seniors that earnup to 150% of the poverty level, or $12450 for a single person.

    MAIN MEDICARE PLANSBushs plan would not take effect for several years; it would let seniorschoose from a government and private Medicare plans, all with a prescriptiondrug option. However, Bushs plan would create incentives for healthierseniors to move to cheaper plans, leaving the sick in traditional Medicare anddriving up its costs. Gores plan would take effect immediately, adding aprescription drug program to the two existing Medicare programs for doctors andhospitals. His plan will, however, offer no options and would use more tax moneythat bushs proposed plan.

    EducationLOCAL CONTROLBoth gore and Bush want the federal government to take a more active role ineducation, but Bush would like to put more stress on local control. He wants tostrengthen local control by establishing a $500 million fund to reward statesand schools that improve performance. Gore wants to invest $115 billion ineducation over the next ten years. SCHOOL CHOICEBoth favor greater choice. The difference is that Gore wants to keep theoptions within the public school system, while Bush favors partialprivatization. Bush would like to create a voucher program that would letfamilies use public money to send their children to private schools.

    Gorestrongly opposes this saying that vouchers draw recourses from the publicschools. Both candidates would like to increase the number of charter schools. TEACHERSBoth Bush and Gore call for higher standards for teachers. Gore will use partof his proposed $115 billion to provide for raises, he will offer $10 000bonuses to those who go to college to become teachers and those that switchcareers to teaching. Bush would expand loan forgiveness for math and sciencemajors who commit to teach in high-need schools for five years.

    He would alsocreate a $400 tax deduction for teachers that spend their own money forschoolroom supplies.Social Issues

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    Gore vs bush Essay (781 words). (2019, Jan 10). Retrieved from

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