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    Educational and Cultural Relations

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    Education and culture are interrelated and influence each other. Educated humans will die, but culture will never go extinct but only develop along with the progress of the times. The world of education is one of the most important pillars in a society’s life order for the nation’s successors. So, education here can be interpreted as a strategy of cultures that have become the local culture of the nation’s children.

    Education in general is an effort to advance the growth of character (inner strength, character), mind (intellect) and the child’s body. Whereas culture as a result of human mind, in terms of various forms and manifestations, known throughout history as human property that is not rigid, but always develops and changes and fosters humans to adapt to cultural changes and challenges of traditional times to enter modern times.

    The most effective transfer of cultural values ​​is through the educational process. In modern society the process of education is based on formal education programs. Therefore, in the establishment of formal education institutions.

    Culture has several positive and negative effects including cheating, plagiarism, and deadlines which are negative impacts. For example students who dare to bring subject matter during school exams, students who make a paper are exactly the same as the reference that they read but do not include citations, and a student who works on the lab report at night even though it is collected the next day. While the positive impact of culture is in the form of group discussions, developing the potential for instinct, personality, leadership, responsibility, trustworthiness, and independence. For example, students who get homework seem to have the responsibility to solve it with all their abilities, become class leaders, and be independent if there is something they don’t understand, they will repeat it soon.

    Humans as intelligent and cultured creatures always try to make changes. With its creative and dynamic nature, people continue to evolve to improve the quality of life that is increasingly progressing, when nature controls humans with their iddle curiousity (the feeling of curiosity that continues to grow) the longer their sense of power, creativity and caress can transform nature into something useful, then nature is controlled by humans. Culture is a human work that includes philosophy, art, literature, religion, interpretation and assessment of the environment.

    Education is very influential in the occurrence of culture, how education can develop it in culture, a culture that plays a role in education as well, education that is only intended and makes people think that education is only important such as schools, colleges and how important in culture.

    Education in an important aspect of culture is very important because education prepares the younger generation to be involved in daily life in their groups, which is an element of cultural unity, related to all life fulfilling satisfaction in family, work, as citizens, as an integrated people and full of the meaning of life. It can be concluded based on the above opinion that this general education prepares students, especially the younger generation to be ‘real human’ human beings, know themselves, other human beings around them, aware of a broad life with all the problems and conditions that are their rights and the obligation of each person to empower him as a member of the family, community, citizens and the world, and finally as a human being as a creation of God the Creator. Because humans in their lives experience meaningful life experiences, even social and cultural activities are influenced by patterns of meaning that empower their lives.

    Viewed from an individual’s point of view, education is an attempt to weigh and connect individual potential. As for the social perspective, education is an attempt to inherit cultural values ​​from the old generation to the younger generation, so that these cultural values ​​are maintained, so it is clear that education and culture are very closely related because both are continuous, both support each other others.

    The purpose of education is to preserve and always improve the culture itself, with education we can transfer the culture itself from generation to generation. And also we as a society aspire to the realization of a better society and culture in the future, so our own education must be better.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Educational and Cultural Relations. (2021, Aug 26). Retrieved from

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