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    Brief Look at Andy Warhol Essay

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    Pop Art originated in Europe, however its’ greatest success was in America. This is because of the large amount of mass media and mass production within the country. One of the leading pop artists of this time was Andy WarhoL His work was and continues to be very popular and influential. One of the famous pieces by Andy Warhol is Green Coca-Cola Bottles. In a large advertising campaign against their rivals, Pepsi Coal, Coca-Cola used Andy Whorl’s expertise in their new ads. Warhol used the simple everyday coke tootles because they were familiar to the masses.

    The repetition of the bottles reflects Coke’s constant presence in everyday life. Warhol was able to use a silk screen technique so he could easily reproduce the bottles over and over again. The familiar bottles connected the piece to the common culture in a way that any company would hope for it to. Another painting by Warhol is Marilyn Diptych. This piece was created shortly after Marilyn Monroe committed suicide. Warhol used this opportunity to capitalize on the media explosion because of her death.

    The flat colored side of the piece represents the movie star Marilyn that everyone saw in the media. It re-mentored the Hollywood created image that the masses worshiped. The repetition of the piece represents the way she was used as a consumer product. The right side suggests multiple film stills, representing the way she attained her fame through her movies. All of the pieces representing advertising and the mass media gave Whorl’s studio the name “The Factory_” The factory was actually an old hat factory until

    Warhol took over for his art work. Many artists hung out in the factory during this time and it became the place to be At one point, a regular named Valerie Salinas came into the factory and fired three shots, almost killing Warhol. Although he survived the injuries that affect his lung, spleen, liver, esophagi and stomach, he never fully recovered. Warhol believed that mass media would allow everyone 15 minutes of fame, however his fame lasted quite longer and still does past his death.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Brief Look at Andy Warhol Essay. (2018, May 17). Retrieved from

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