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    Does Art Imitate Life Or Does Life Imitate Art Essay

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    Two of the greatest philosophers disagreed on a debate that still in going on today. Does art influence life or does life influence art. Plato believed art imitated life; and Aristotle believed that life imitated art. For Plato, life is spent in balance and if that balance is interrupted life wouldn’t be perfect. Reason helps keep a person in balance, therefore he stated that if emotions took over reason would be deleted and an imbalance would occur. Aristotle believed that art was good for a person because it would allow them to act out their emotions in anger etc, get rid of the emotions, and go ome calm.

    He stated that plays become moral learning experience. Thus bringing on the topic of how violence influences us. Does violent tv shows, movies, video games, etc influence people to commit violence, or does it allow them to act out their aggressions in a safe environment? Aristotle takes a vicarious viewpoint stating that is healthy to give out, or live out emotions (mad, sad etc) in a safe environment. Therefore, stating that it is ok for kids, or anyone to watch these violent plays etc. Plato believed in censorship because he said that people shouldn’t be trusted to know what is good r bad for them.

    Both of these viewpoints have similarities and differences. If you read a little bit further down in the text, Aristotle also says although violent things in movies etc can be good for children, he and psychologist who take this viewpoint do not support excessive amounts of violence protrayals. Which, on the other hand, agrees with Plato’s viewpoint that too much of violence isn’t good; we should use some type of censorship. But what we have to question is, If Aristotle was alive today in this generation, will he still have the same view point.

    Back in the ancient roman times these plays where put on twice a year not being able to be displayed 24 hours a day. I think that he when he was stating we should be exposed to these things he meant in moderation. Do I believe one viewpoint is better than the other? Yes I believe that people can be and should be exposed to violent things etc but done in moderation. I’m not saying that they will run out and kill someone after seeing four movies in a row, but im trying to figure out the good it would have and can’t come up with anything but moderation.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Does Art Imitate Life Or Does Life Imitate Art Essay. (2018, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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