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    Antigone – Creon as a Tragic Hero Essay

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    In the story Antigone, Creon shows all of the characteristics of a tragic hero. He receives pity through the audience, yet recognizes his weakness, and whose downfall comes from his own self-pride.

    Though the audience notices how villainous Creon is, they still express pity towards him. They realize the he brought all of his problems on himself and should have been more open-minded, but think no one should go through that. They also understand how the warrior king Creon felt when he notices his son is love struck. The audience also expresses pity towards him because the girl is a murderer, understand why he is upset. Most parents today have to approve of someone before their child can date them, so that is why most of the audience can relate to Creon and express pity.

    King Creon notices that he has a weakness in which he tries to correct but is too late. His weakness is just like Romeo in that he is impulsive with his decision making. He never really sits down and thinks about things, instead he just says what comes to mind. In scene 3, line 118 he says you will never marry her while she lives, right after his first discussion about Antigone. In lines 142-150 he summarizes his plans for Antigone, in which he thinks of right after talking with his son. These two decisions decided the lives of two young people, but the impulsive Creon never thinks about that. In scene 5, lines 105-108 Creon tries to correct his impulsiveness with, “Come with me to the tomb. I buried her, I will set her free, Oh quickly, my mind misgives.” These lines show how he changes his impulsive decision, but unfortunately is too late.

    Self-pride is the tragic flaw that Creon faces in this story. His tragic flaw causes the deaths of both his wife and son. This is because he shows so much arrogance in every decision he makes. Even if it is wrong he will not correct it, because he is the king whom is never wrong. In scene 3, line 105 Creon shows how much self-pride he really has by saying, “My voice is the one voice giving orders in this city.” Then he states that, “the state is the king,” in line 107.

    Later in the scene Creon is arguing with his son and says you will never her while she lives, and this shows how whenever he makes a decision he will stick by it. By Creon”s self-pride deciding to never let his son marry Antigone, he decides to let his son die also.

    Creon is the king in Antigone, whom possesses all of the characteristics of a tragic hero. He receives pity through the audience, yet recognizes his weakness, and whose downfall comes from his own self-pride.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Antigone – Creon as a Tragic Hero Essay. (2018, May 27). Retrieved from

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