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    Andy Warhol – GCSE Contextual Study Questions Essay

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    Does it have a title? The image was made in 1956, and while having no official title, was an illustration for Harpers Bazaar.

    What do you think might have inspired the artist? What might the piece be about? The most likely source of inspiration for this piece was from fashion in general as the piece was centered around beauty products, furthermore, as the piece was designated for Harpers Bazaar, which is a fashion magazine, Which also brings up the possibility that Andy Warhol was simply told to illustrate the piece by the company.

    This also ties into what the image is about s it too can most likely accredited to Andy Warhol being commissioned to do an illustration for Harpers Bazaar, of which the piece is centered about. What materials and processes have been used? From the image. It appears to be made from pencil or graphite with a transparent material of sorts over the illustrations before being printed together on one layer as it was designated for a magazine.

    Can you describe the use of color? The use of color throughout the piece is conservative as it is only used on the multicultural transparent rectangles that are spread throughout the piece.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Andy Warhol – GCSE Contextual Study Questions Essay. (2018, May 27). Retrieved from

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