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    Andy Warhol – Short Biography: Life and Death Essay

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    Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1928 as Andrew Warhol. He graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology before moving to New York where his first big break, occurring in August 1949, took place. Glamour Magazine had asked him to illustrate an article called “Success is a Job in New York”. He had dropped the ‘a’ in his last name When the credit mistakenly read “Drawings by Andy Warhol. ” By 1355.

    Andy Warhol had almost all of New York copying his work. He was well known for creating ink images with slight color changes. Coca-Cola bottles and celebrity faces, such as Marilyn Monroe, were some of the popular items Andy Warhol did. Andy Whorl’s “Campbell Soup Can” is a classic and easily recognized piece of work. Andy Warhol also made many films about time, boredom and repetition like “Empire” and ‘The Chelsea Girls”, the classics that are underground now.

    With the privilege of working with the rock band were Velvet Underground” in 965, Andy Warhol traveled around the country with not only The Velvets, but also with the 1965 superstar Edie Sedgwick and the lightship ‘The Exploding Plastic Inevitable. On June 3rd, 1968, Valerie Solaris, founder and member of SCUM (Society for Cutting Up Men), walked into Whorl’s studio – The Factory – and shot him three time in the chest. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctors said he was dead.

    With the crazy idea of opening up his chest and massaging his heart – just n case they could make him survive, Andy Warhol miraculously came back to life. Solaris turned herself in and was put into a mental institute, then was later given a three-year prison sentence. After recovering, Warhol continued to work. He had started interview magazine and published ‘The Philosophy Of Andy Warhol: From A to B and Back Cain. Andy Warhol died on February 22nd, 1987 after a routine gall bladder surgery. With the result of his death, The Andy Warhol Museum opened in Pittsburgh in May.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Andy Warhol – Short Biography: Life and Death Essay. (2018, May 23). Retrieved from

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