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    An Analysis of the Basic Principles of Philosophy, the Implementation of Innovations, and Leadership in the Sphere of Doctor Nursing Practice

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    The primary purpose of this investigation is to analyze. The basic principles of philosophy of Doctor Nursing Practice. The implementation of innovations and leadership in this sphere. Besides, it is necessary to develop the guide for DNP practice, which should be based on the results of this research.

    The leadership philosophy is based on the analysis of the personal beliefs. And ideas (“Ten Questions to Identify Your Leadership Philosophy”, 2014). Therefore, it is necessary to examine the integration of nursing principles into philosophy and ethics. The central aspect of DNP practice includes the ethical principles. Which should be followed by the health care professionals. So, it is necessary to understand the definition of ethics for DNP. Ethics in its traditional sense includes the distinctive doctrine of ideas, principles, norms and rules of functioning of morality in various fields and spheres of social life of people. Therefore, the subject of ethics is a philosophical understanding of moral and ethical thought and practice of human behavior.

    The specificity of medical science and medical practice is based on the fact that health workers are dealing with life and health of the patient, his suffering and pain in the performance of their professional duties. Thus, this primary point causes the humanistic content of norms and principles of medical ethics. However, these norms are historical in the nature. So, in ancient India it was recommended to undertake treatment only a man’s disease that is curable; treatment of incurable diseases should be refused.

    However, the general trend of development of ethics has historically changed towards humanization. The moral culture of health care professionals is manifested in a new semantic content of the consciousness of health professionals, their social, mental and physical actions. The new content in the doctor’s consciousness interfaces with the professional medical knowledge and the skills as a foundation of modern medical reality.

    In the modern health care system, this intellectual and moral intention is forming by the bioethical principles in the activities of the doctors, other health professionals, and the general public in order to meet the revolutionary changes in the world and society. The fate of individuals and even humanity as a whole depends on the adoption of the competent medical and moral decisions on controversial issues that constantly arise in clinical practice.

    The main task of the modern health care professional is the application of the principles of bioethics, which will develop and fully reveal the ability to carry out all professional duties competently and responsibly. Besides, these activities should be based on moral and legal regulations of medical acts. It involves the provision of high-quality medical care to the population, the protection of the health of all people, but especially mothers and children. Also the promotion of healthy lifestyles, hygiene, and sanitation for the population are also important. The activities of health care professionals require a high level of personal, professional responsibility, which includes the moral, administrative, legal and other types of liability.

    The content of medical ethics includes a number of fundamental principles: humanity, justice, privacy, “do no harm” principle. Besides, it is necessary to identify some virtues, which are required for any health care professional. Conventionally, these virtues can be divided into four groups: the personal virtues (courage, independence, reliability, honesty); competence virtues (possession of medical knowledge and practices in a particular area, the ability to talk intelligently); virtues of conscience (dedication, self-criticism, a sense of responsibility, honor); general moral qualities (honesty, respect for the patient, colleagues, dignity, humility, benevolence).

    All these virtues are taking place in other forms of human activity (teaching, management, research, and others). However, in medicine, the relationship and importance of these features are magnified with the specifics of the activity, as the human life and health are the supreme values. Thus, these primary requirements for the health care professional establish the basis of the DNP philosophy.

    However, it is necessary to examine the implementation of innovation into DNP and its significant impact on the leadership style of health care professionals. There are different approaches to the leadership. It is necessary not only to choose the appropriate style for the followers, but also develop the leader’s skills (Drinon, 2014). The health care system has many rapid changes due to the implementation of innovation technologies into the activity of doctors. Professionalism in the work of nurses and managers at all levels of the management hierarchy, ranging from the older sister of the hospital department and the chief specialist of nursing in health care are the key aspects to success not only in the work of nursing services, but also to the entire health care system as a whole. Scharmer (2007) argues that awareness and deep attention are the essential qualities for the DNP.

    Thus, let’s examine the fundamental creative qualities for scholars. It is necessary to understand that innovations require the changes of primary leadership skills to achieve the success. Thus, the scholars should be the good observers. It is important to indicate all possible changes and tendencies. The second significant feature is open mind. The scholars should be ready to accept any changes and challenges. Besides, it is necessary to develop the unique ideas, which can be implemented in the healthcare sector. The positive thinking and efficient, communicative skills are also significant in the DNP. Scharmer (2007) believes that it is also important to develop sensing, observing, performing and holding the space to achieve the success in leadership.

    Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the superior leadership qualities, which are required in the DNP. In my opinion, the leader in health care services performs multiple functions. However, the most obvious leader’s role is to coordinate the joint activities of the members of the group. Thus, the essence of administrative functions depends both on the performance of work, and in the collective efforts of its group members.

    Sometimes a person, being in the role of administrator, suffers from its inability to shift some of the responsibility and authority to others; he feels that the personal involvement is necessary. As a result, such a leader deprives a sense of responsibility of the subordinates and prevents their engagement in the activity of the group. Thus, Porter-O’Grady (2003) argues that the significant skill of the efficient leader is the ability to resolve the conflicts in the team.

    Consequently, the primary feature of health care workers is professionalism. The leader should be a source of reliable information or a qualified technician. In almost all cases, the professional knowledge and skills are necessary for the implementation of group goals. So, the second quality is the ability to establish the strong team and create the conditions for the growth and development of each team member. The third significant skill is the ability to adopt the work of the group to the new circumstances.

    So, the implementation of innovations requires the skills of transformative leadership style. Milner (2014) argues that nursing requires the life-long learning. The leader should be able to learn quickly and have the developed vision. The fourth superior skill for the efficient leader in the health care sector is the ability to resolve the conflicts and establish the opportunity for the development of the subordinates.

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    An Analysis of the Basic Principles of Philosophy, the Implementation of Innovations, and Leadership in the Sphere of Doctor Nursing Practice. (2023, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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