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    Advice To My Son by Peter Meinke Essay

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    Over the past couple of weeks we have been studying readings that pertain to Innocence and Experience. The readings that I have chosen to best represent these concepts are “Advice to My Son” by Peter Meinke and “Ex-Basketball Player” by John Updike, both readings deal with the Innocence and Experience of life. In the first poem “Advice to My Son” the author is trying to put emphasize how the words written can be applied to life. Also how choices have an impact on our life’s journey and ultimately how these choices have shaped our being.

    How different options can have penalties and will eventually contribute to the course of one’s life. The tone helps with the meaning and atmosphere. Then theme of the poems concentrates on the concept of choice but in two different aspects. Meinke’s focus of the poem is to show the impact of our choices with adding advice. For instance he tells his son that the choice is there to “marry a pretty girl after seeing how her mother. ” This is the experience part because if you know how the mother is then you definitely know how your wife will act because most women are a product of their mother.

    This is also a possible consequence you may deal with. So to sum this up the poem is giving guidance to the son that you will experience many things and every choice has consequences. Alark 2 This poem has the Innocence affect because the father is giving his son Tim advice on life. Usually when a parent is attempting to guide their children along it is a form of innocence no matter how rough or tough they may be. Because this love, and love has no intent to hurt or miss guide whoever it is aimed at.

    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Advice To My Son by Peter Meinke Essay. (2018, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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