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    Academic Goals Essay (923 words)

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    Every student wants to achieve the highest percentage in class and has set realistic academic goals that have to be achieved during the session. In order to boost your performance and results in your school years, there are several important factors that need to be focused. The scenario for high school is more complex as they have to select their future path of and the field in which they wish to continue their studies.

    In our society, there has always been a tough competition amongst students as a pupil from all over the world are given the opportunity to send applications for scholarships and admissions into prestigious institutes. Mostly, students are not able to make into their dream colleges or high schools, but they should never stop their struggle and efforts in any case.

    Setting your academic goals

    The study is a crucial phase in our lives, and we have to deliver our best in order to ensure a financially stable future. Taking the example of the world’s most influential and successful people such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs, we can follow in their footsteps and enhance the value of our lives without any hassle. This is only possible if you are planning for the coming years instead of only thinking about short term goals.

    Taking my own life as an example, my employer always motivates me to utilize my skills and abilities to complete each given project. Not only this act helps me to deliver my best, but I keep on learning new approaches and techniques to accomplish everyday tasks in a better way. Same is the scenario for graduate school students as they have to explore the wide marketplace to find out the best suitable job for themselves.

    How are academic and career goals linked?

    Academic goals and career goals are absolutely linked together in multiple ways because if you can never compromise in any one of them to live a successful life ahead. I agree that I have got several opportunities and aspects which will help me to shape my personal lifestyle and living standards for which starting with a positive approach can help in great means. Furthermore, individuals who are ready to face their opportunity to step into the job market are more likely to change jobs, get relocated and meet new people as well.

    However, for some graduates earning a particular title or position in an organization is the ultimate career goal. Although it is a positive approach and gives students an opportunity to utilize their skills, there are several complications and difficulties that need to be solved. Taking pride in showcasing academic designations and accomplishments on the resume is a beneficial approach for college students as it will certainly increase their chances of getting accepted in a renowned organization or company.

    Set and measure your goals

    Setting my goals that are hard or impossible to achieve can end me up in great stress and anxiety. As everything a student dreams of getting is not possible in some cases, I believe that consistency and hard work will eventually make my employer lead me towards success. The university or high schools offering full bright scholarships and awards have a predefined set of rules that need to be followed in order to increase the acceptance rate of our application.

    Taking the example of the University of Phoenix, there are several departments including Social Sciences, Information Technology and Business where students can select the courses of their choice. This allows students to measure the benefits of any personal or academic goals as they get to meet new people and explore further dimensions as well.

    Characteristics and traits of good goals

    In the society of challenges and hurdles, just stay realistic and stick to the facts whenever you are setting your academic goals. Hoping for A+ grade in a course you are completely unable to understand is certainly not a good idea as not every field is suitable for all students. As each of us has a differing mindset and thinking capabilities, I believe this is my personal experience and sincere advice for college graduates that they should only select their field of interest and focus on achieving good goals.

    My goals and objectives are only valuable if they are positive and approachable. No matter what the scenario is, encourage yourself to participate in group discussions and hope to learn new lessons through class activities. Furthermore, I think that my hard work and positivity will always make my employer satisfied with my efforts for each assigned project.

    Overcome failures and stay determined

    I agree with the fact that setting positive goals will help me to improve my academic performance, meet new people and explore various perspectives during my academic years. Students must always try to excel in any kind of school projects or co-curricular activities the university is offering as they are a great way to sharpen your mind and improve thinking capabilities as well. When studying various college application samples, you can read how clearly students have defined their goals and objectives which play a key role in the acceptance from renowned institutions such as the university of Phoenix.


    Setting up any personal and positive goals can bring great advantages for graduate school students as they are on the point to decide their future educational path. Apart from struggle, hard work and determination, students should also hope to make this world a peaceful and friendly place to survive for people of all backgrounds and education fields.


    This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly. Don’t submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism.

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    Academic Goals Essay (923 words). (2019, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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